Brilliant as almost always. I am cataloging a list of Biden's lies to counter the folks that accuse Trump of lying. The first wife death story will be # 1.

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All of these Joe Biden stories are so sad. If love is doing what is in the best interest of the other, it’s clear all of these players love only themselves .. certainly not each other and most definitely not our country.

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“Let’s spend some time on the beach together”? Is there a beach at San Quentin? Sing-Sing on the Hudson? Guantanamo? Without The Regime’s protection, this family would be fortunate to get a hot tub, one without a plugged-in hairdryer dangling from the railing. Alternative One is out, especially after Donald Trump’s anticipated Reign of Terror commences, when he sends Seal Team 6 to service the hot tub.

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I wish we still had Jerry Springer and the Jerry Springer Show. He could have the Biden family on and as much as the Americans love their reality shows, the misinformed democrats might be enlightened when they watch. Jerry could shout at Hunter, “You are the father,” and he could shout at Joe, “You are Not the President”.

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It's occurred to me, that maybe the first wife's "accident", wasn't.

She saw what she had married and knew that was the only way out of it.

This man is a one-man plague on humanity.

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A fine job cataloguing the Biden Syndicate's history of self-dealing and venality, if I do say so myself. And yet, there are millions of people who are not only willing but positively excited about the prospect of voting for Biden and spending another four years under his direction. I marvel at such people. Not in a good way, of course, but much like I marvel at people who engage in coprophilia. Come to think of it, there's a lot of similarity between those two groups.

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Well Steve: your same group you marvel at also have engaged in coprophagia, so I guess they are coprophiliacs! Some misguided relatives in our family simply cannot vote for Trump, due to his morals. When I asked them about JFK, LBJ and Slick, crickets!

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You know, I was going to use that word in my original comment, but I thought it might be a litle too... graphic, so I substituted a milder variation on that same theme. But having now had a chance to reflect, thanks to you, I think yours is the more accurate description. By the way, should we be worried that we even know these pathologies exist? LOL

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Steve: I learned about it from laboratory rats! They are close relatives to the Biden camp, eh? LOL

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Don't be modest, Glenn: This piece is brilliant in its irony and its truth. Thank you.

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Joe Biden showering with his then child-daughter Ashley … they’ll explain this off as a water conservation kinda thing. It’s “saving the environment” … ya know?

The entire family is sociopathic and psychotic … God Save America.

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And as a north Atlanta resident, I resent the fact that even with a 'cold", he and his entourage loaded up after the D-bait, and spread their "cold" germs amongst the customers of a local Waffle House.

How politically selfish can that pack of misfits get?

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Bottom line from the family pow wow?

HUNTER 2032!!!

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So follow along here:

The fact that the President of the United States is senile is National Security threat.

If the Russians, the Chinese, or the Iranians were to learn this it would have National Security implications.

Therefore, this information is classified.

Anyone divulging or discussing this secret is liable to prosecution under the official secrets act.

You have been warned.

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Glenn: I beg to differ slightly from your accurate take on the Biden Crime Family. Eddie is NOT in charge---she is solely the mouthpiece for Yomama! He tells her what to do in his 3rd term and she sweetly whispers it into his ear---between 1000 and 1600, obviously! (That's 10 AM and 4 PM for you "Lifers!" LOL)

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