Must disagree, but only as to your ultimate conclusion that this is a "travesty". Would to God that it were merely a travesty. Then we could all tut-tut and move on. No, Glenn, this is a fully blown attack on the entire justice system. Or, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that it is an attack on what we used to believe was our "justice system" which is now seen as being "too white." As we see clearly now, this negro prosecutor is drawing upon his vast reservoir of racial animus to attack the avatar of all White Americans, Donald Trump. Just like that other legal nonentity in Georgia, Foney Willis. These people campaigned on a promise to jail Trump, regardless of crime or not. That ultimate paragon of racial animosity, Barack Obama no doubt made sure to place his white knight, Smith into a position to fulfill Obama's wet dream of making whitey suffer by prosecuting Trump on made-up charges involving farcically weak claims of violating records handling requirements that have been more egregiously violated by Obama's lapdog, Biden with no consequence. Make no mistake; this is part of the war on white that began back in the 1960's, with the likes of Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and their Black Panthers, Stokely Carmichael and his SNCC, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X of the Nation of Islam and so many others. What is saddest of all is that these revolutionary negro racists were given an official imprimatur and frequently granted outright absolution for their crimes by the white elites who, in Leonard Bernstein "radical chic/Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers" fashion achieved their little frisson of sexual-cultural thrills by means thereof. I abhor them all, black radical racists and their white enablers equally. A pox on all their houses.

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Christine Blasey-Ford

Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton

Deborah Ramirez

All three lied before congress during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. All three got away with it. Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton’s accomplice, then senator Kamela Harris, got away with it too. Women like E. Jean Carroll have destroyed the credibility of America’s genuine victims. Shame on anyone that fell for the democrat lies.

Trump 2024.

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[1992; Little Rock, AR] Hello, you have reached the Bimbo Eruption Help Center of Clinton For President '92....press 1 for paternity claims; press 2 for basic fondling; and..... press 5 to hear our payment disbursement options; Oh, and a reminder, please have your tax ID number ready so you can receive your payoff, I meant PAYMENT promptly and receive your 1099 from the Clinton Campaign...

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Good reference to Beria, sir. Trump is a NOTORIOUS germaphobe; such folks are not seeking folks working in the worlds oldest profession.

Laura Loomer works out in the fringe of media sometimes, but I have seen this signed document elsewhere. Supports this case is bunk anyway.


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As a non-attorney, what is different from what Trump supposedly did and John Edwards did---where he was not tried at all?

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This could be a script for a Marx Brother comedy sketch it’s so beyond the ken.

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The Democrats are so afraid of Trump returning to the White House that they are twisting whatever "laws" they can into a pretzel. Braggadocio campaigns on putting Trump in jail, gaol for our English friends, and this DA as pure as the driven slush?

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Loved the article....

This statement was outstanding... "Consider the irony. The DA says Trump violated federal campaign finance laws because he didn’t use campaign money from donors for this payment, but instead did use his personal money."

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