“Trust the government” said no founding father ever. The FBEYE lied about Gen. Flynn, the Alpha Bank, the Dossier, multiple FISA warrants, Powell and the Mar A Lago raid. They covered for Bill, Hillary, B. Hussein, and Jeffery Epstein. The IRS scandal went uninvestigated, and they refused to investigate/indict ANTIFA/BLM riots and rioters while they aggressively persecuted concerned parents and refused to protect SCOTUS justices while imprisoning J6 trespassers for over a year without trial, but they still insist that we TRUST them?

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24 years an agent. The truth is even worse.

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Excellent review!

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I plan on reading Tom’s book. I am sure he has some unusual insight, given his place in the Bureau, when he retired. Mueller didn’t like agents. He didn’t like senior agents. He replaced virtually everyone in management who would not bow to his crazy policies that he brought from DOJ, and his allies at CIA and NSA. Comey simply followed the path laid out for him by Mueller.

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Jeff Sessions recused himself from even a cursory review of the "evidence" in Russia-gate. A ten minute look into the progeny of this hoax would have revealed it for what it was and stopped it dead in its tracks. He would have then been justified in firing the lot of them. Instead we got two years of distraction and entanglement.

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The FBI was run by a corrupt chief who was the epitome of a swamp creature for all of its formative years - J Edgar Hoover. Look into some of the activities of many agents over the years - the fish always rotted from the head.

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I'm pretty sure reading this book would piss me off even more if that's possible. How about this:

"Comey has become indistinguishable from the usual Democratic National Convention speakers. Here’s what happened at a speech he gave last night:

Former FBI Director James Comey asked American voters Sunday night to end Donald Trump’s presidency with a “landslide” victory for his opponent in 2020.

“All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lies stop on January 20, 2021,” Comey told an audience at the 92nd Street Y on New York City’s Upper East Side. He all but begged Democrats to set aside their ideological differences and nominate the person best suited to defeating Trump in an election.

“I understand the Democrats have important debates now over who their candidate should be,” Comey told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, “but they have to win. They have to win.”

By JIM GERAGHTY, December 10, 2018

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One of your best short essays, Glenn.

Will share.

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Wow. Great article. Great perspective!

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Democrats: Any means to an end and like fish, don’t understand water.

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