Great piece and I agree on almost everything.

We do not reject RINOs because they may be moderate, we reject them because it is now obvious they are puppets for the globalist entities that include billionaires or companies that favor agenda's aiming to radically alter our way of life. They are all failed lawyers who have never been exposed to private sector risk(either as a lawyer or not) and therefore have no understanding of how actual commerce works. You cannot lie out here without getting fired.

RINO's(most republicans) do NOT force the Left to negotiate on anything; they keep giving in because they are still getting paid very well. John Boehner admitted this to staffers during the Ocare 'fight' and it has been obvious to me since(McCain's thumbs down moment that pushed me over the edge). He campaigned on that, Trump and the House served it up, and he missed on purpose.

Now we find out(we suspected) that Paul Ryan had the Steele Dossier BEFORE he ordered the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to investigate Trump. Think about the disastrous things that happened - and are still happening today - after that for godsakes.


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Agree. In considering Glenn’s final paragraph, what would we “win” with Mitt Romney?

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With Mitt Romney rather than Barack Obama, we would have won, among other things:

Avoidance of liberal Supreme Court justices;

Avoidance of crazy administrative appointments;

Avoidance of unfair student loan forgiveness schemes;

Avoidance of an open border;

Avoidance of an disastrous Afghanistan surrender;

Probable avoidance of the Ukraine invasion and the Gaza pogrom;

Avoidance of identity politics over merit.

I could go on, but I think you get the point. Even if you think Romney would have done nothing, it would be a much better result than what Biden and Obama did do.

I understand the frustration. But the danger is in letting that frustration make you just throw up your hands and say "we're screwed."

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Yes. ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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In defense of tribalism in the U. S. of A., Republican women are both hot and friendly; Democrat women are neither. Pulcritude matters. So do brains.

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Thank you! I (used to) resemble that remark! 😂

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I’m sure you still do. The “brains” part is certainly self-evident.

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Thanks BK. 😊

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It would be best to win with Donald Trump.

There is no second choice that involves a future which adheres to the Constitution.

We already are on paper-thin ice in that regard.

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I understand your frustration, Gail, but I don't agree that Mitt Romney would have been as bad as Obama and Biden. And -- rhetoric aside -- I don't think you really do either.

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Well, I certainly voted for Mitt, but imo Trump was right - "He let us down."

*Something* fishy happened after the first debate where MItt had BO on the ropes, and then he seemed to take a dive. There is nothing else that explains what happened in the subsequent debates (two, as I vaguely recall).

So IF Mitt could have been an independent agent and stuck to any set of principles then yes Glenn, he would have been better than BO or PedoJoe. But that is the thing with RINOs -- they DON'T seem to ever stick to any principles! That is why America First voters just don't trust them any more. We WANT a president who will NOT compromise because it's ONLY our side that ever does compromise. Which is what has led us to where we sadly are today -- with men dressing up as women and shaking their groove thing in toddlers' faces and being called an '-ism or -phobic' if you call it out as the perversion it is.

There is no more room left for compromise. Humanity's back is teetering over the edge of a 1000' cliff.

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Re: "I saw no one beheaded. In fact, I saw no violence and never felt threatened. I felt much safer in downtown Munich than in downtown Denver."

I presume you were not displaying or wearing any articles attributable to one's being Jewish?

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You're correct that I was not wearing traditional Jewish garb. In that regard, I was wearing only the simple cross on a necklace that I wear 24/7.

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And I presume Glenn wasn’t speaking from inside a “no-go” zone, where even police and fire personnel fear to tread.

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Go to Europe, Chad. You're getting too much of your news from silo'd sources.

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“Silo’d”? Not sure what that means, but I don’t think my understanding of the world is narrowly limited and parochial, if that’s what is implied.

I’ve had extended sojourns in Europe, including three weeks in Turkey entirely on my own — not part of some tour. Four trips to the UK, which I’m quite sure I wouldn’t recognize today.

But how much time did you spend in a “banlieu” on your recent trip? You know, one of those neighborhoods that set fire to a thousand automobiles whenever The Prophet is insulted, or some punk is roughed up by the police?

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In a related story...

Three words; Charlie Hebdo Massacre.

January 7, 2020; Five Years Later, We Still Haven’t Learned from the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, By DAVID HARSANYI

"Giving a bunch of religious extremists or government bureaucrats veto power over our speech doesn’t make us safer. It just makes us less free.

[Not too long ago], two French Islamists forced their way into the Paris editorial offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and began shooting. The journal’s offices had been moved to an unmarked building after they were hit by a 2011 firebombing in response to the publication of a satirical cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed. The shooters managed to kill twelve people. A related attack soon followed in a kosher supermarket, where four Jews were murdered by a friend of the shooters...

...In any event, the trial of the terrorists who help facilitate the Charlie Hebdo massacre [is over]. Only five of the 24 jihadists who helped plan the attack will be appearing in court. The other 19 suspects, most of them dead, had long ago left to fight in Iraq and Syria with ISIS. They were probably really mad about the tone of French political cartoons.

In the meantime, Charlie Hebdo should remind us that giving a bunch of religious extremists or government bureaucrats veto power over our speech is a terrible idea. It does nothing to make us safer. It only makes us less free."

(France's future jihadists are likely already in place awaiting the next cartoon.)

Be safe Glenn. Btw, how's the grub over there?

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Regarding the autobahn, in '72 while stationed in then-West Germany a buddy in my unit named Tom had purchased a new '72 BMW 2002. We were on the autobahn one Sunday going to see races at Sembach AFB and we were cruising at 105 mph when we were passed by a Mercedes-Benz 4-door sedan as if we were standing still. We figured this car was going at least 135-140 mph. I said to him "Tom, don't know that I've ever been passed going 105 before."

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I thought it was extremely ODD that just this week I saw a woman wearing a hijab in the local grocery store in Freeport FL (which is in a county with a population of less than 90k)

Maybe she was just passing through as all I saw her head to the check out with was a package of baby wipes (yes, the breeders almost ALWAYS seem to have brood in tow)

This area is 99% devout Christian (some who even fly flags of Israel in biblical solidarity, and notably NO flags flown of Ukraine that I've seen) And I know there is a (Jewish) chabad within the vicinity but I do not even know where there is any mosque. WTH do these people come from!?

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I assume they come from the types of places from which my own ancestors came when they came here a century ago: A distant, dark place they desperately fled in search of a better life in a place where they scarcely spoke the language but had heard was the land of the free and the home of the brave. Brave they are, and I hope to keep them free.

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You and I see the world through VERY different lenses.

Immigrants in the generations past (I'm 'only' second generation American) did everything they could to assimmilate and appear MORE American to fit in, even including "Americanizing" their surnames.

To the best of my knowledge, while there were 'neighborhoods' of newcomers (Irish, Italian, German, Jewish, Chinese, Polish, etc) once they made it out of that safe landing zone from the 'old country' they did what they could to "be" American.

Muslims, not so much.

See: Dearborn, Minneapolis and Ilhan Omar.

See The Netherlands, France, England, Scandanavian countries, Germany etc where violent crime, especially against women has increased in proportion to the percentage of Muslim immigrants.

I have heard Hungary and Poland have neither this type of crime problem nor have flung open their immigration doors indiscriminately. Causation or correllation? 🤷‍♀️

This population seems to be doing everything they can to make HERE like THERE. It seems to be a feature, not a bug.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Have you heard of "Chinatown" in LA? How about "Little Italy" in NY? How about "Le Petit Senegal" in Harlem? How about "Koreatown" in LA? How about "Polish Downtown" in Chicago? How about "Little Havana" in Miami? How about many enclaves that are still disproportionately Jewish? How about the Irish in the South Side of Boston 100 years ago?

Immigrants have always come to America, and they've always congregated and they've always held their old identity for a few generations.

I'm not troubled by the sight of a Muslim woman in traditional garb any more than I'm troubled by an Orthodox Jew in traditional garb. If anything, it tells me that both have deep religious, cultural and family beliefs that are probably contrary to what the Left is teaching -- a Left that is typically in the garb of upper class white people dressed as such.

Notice that the Leftist university professors are not wearing scarves -- they're wearing casual business attire. In comparison to them, the family-oriented, God-believing, culture-valuing Muslims are harmless.

(And I say all this as a Christian, as regular readers are aware.)

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Yes, I am aware that many cities across America have significant ethnic areas. #1 To the best of my knowledge (please correct me if you know otherwise) none of them are nearly as large as Dearborn, MI where it seems they have become the vast majority of an entire city.

#2 To the best of my knowledge (please correct me if you know otherwise) none of any other ethnic groups who are here, have protested against THIS country and / or protested (IMO illegally, meaning chanting slogans that violate the boundaries of the 1st Amendment and claiming they represent govt designated terror groups, eg "We are Hamas!") against any other ethnic group (Jews) and which no other local or federal administration would have tolerated had the targets been REVERSED.

Nor would it have been tolerated for even a hot second had the target of these "protests" been the LGBT universe, women or blacks.

Here's a link to an article that someone just coincidentally shared that shows our two-tiered justice system. If these defendants can be charged then MANY of the Hamasholes at the many other protests should equally have been charged, but we know they were not.


#3 No other immigrant group that I know of reportedly cheered when 9/11 happened. I remember reading a poll contemporaneous to that event that showed the vast majority (perhaps in the 70% range? Maybe higher?) of Palestinians also cheered the terrorist events of 9/11.

These people are not on the side of humanity.

#4 No other immigrant group that I know of has actual documentation that has been uncovered and even submitted and used (whose provinence was not disputed) in a legal trial (in TX I think?) laying out the global plan to dominate countries around the world (meaning to BRING THEIR CULTURE and LAWS - sharia- HERE, and to all other western countries).

Please see: "The blueprint for the Muslim Brotherhood in America, known as An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" from U.S. v Holy Land Foundation, et al.


#5 No other immigrant group (I am speaking specifically of Arab Muslims. Indonesian Muslims as far as I'm aware do not seem to reflect the same characteristics that I know of) has the track record that EVERY WESTERN country where they accumulate over a certain (not very high) percentage of the general population, bad things always follow.

Can you name ANY OTHER immigrant group which has 'No Go' zones in western countries, other than muslims??

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