But, according to the Veep, she and he have been "working tirelessly" to get a deal done on the hostages.

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The people who are running the presidency now are the same people who have been running it for the past 3.5 years.

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But Glenn: Please do not be unfair to Joe---it takes a lot out of a person to screw up America so badly! Heck, that Afghanistan withdrawal alone would hospitalize a healthy person! He DESERVES a 30 hr. work week---maybe even a 15 hr. week!

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If we were to have an official state media, how would we be able to tell the difference?

Forget about the threat that Trump supposedly represents. The real coup already happened.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Quiet quitting? Yes … I think this is an appropriate way to describe Dementia Joe’s last 40 months or so in office. His big slide into the abyss began when he pretty much cracked up in public before the whole country (and world) after his completely FUBAR exit from Afghanistan in August 2021.

See: https://www.nationalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Joe-Biden-Afghanistan-1.jpg?w=768

Also never, ever forget that it was Joe’s “best friend” Barack who was quoted as once saying “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.”

See: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/08/14/obama-biden-relationship-393570

F-things up he did … and in leaps and bounds too. Joe Biden seems to have a sort of reverse Midas touch … everything Joe touches turns to crap.

So … if he is in fact quiet quitting, perhaps a case could be made that America is just slightly less worse off because of it.

This might sound very counter-intuitive, but I really kinda wish a lot more Democrats would just get onto this quiet quitting bandwagon. Could the California Democrats who have a stranglehold on my state just quiet quit too? Please?!?

They could quietly collect their nearly six figure paychecks and then … not legislate. They could be paid NOT to legislate. What an outstanding concept!

No more legislating even higher socialist taxes and related soul crushing regulations. No more legislating criminal-friendly laws while backhanding crime victims. No more petty diktats, no more divisive racialist policies, no more legislating the promotion of weird and bizarre sexual practices and fetishes as “normal.”

In the 1920s Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge successfully campaigned and won the White House on the theme of “a return to normalcy.” After the anti-constitutional and proto-fascist years of the Woodrow Wilson era, a return to normalcy is exactly what Americans desired in 1920.

This seems like an appropriate theme for 2024; a theme that could easily dovetail with Make America Great Again, because I think what most MAGA folks want, and many more just normal independents want too, is just to return to normalcy.


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History is beginning to sound like a sitcom, something along the lines of “Portlandia” or “The Office.”

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Too bad no one’s laughing. Except maybe our enemies.

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Couple of things:

“It’s been reported”? By who?

And “Orange man” still bad, and getting worse by the day.

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Ahh, the New York Post. I was expecting worse, maybe Newsmax or OAN. Still from a “source” who shall remain elusively nameless. No matter. It’s done, it’s legal, and Dandy Don is still Dandy Don.

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You may recall -- or maybe you will not -- that it was the NY Post that broke the Hunter laptop story while Twitter, NYT, WaPo, Boston Globe, LA Times, Denver Post, etc etc etc were dismissing it or even censoring it as "Russian disinformation."

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recall the chain of events quite clearly. I recall the story of how the laptop wound up in the hands of Rudy Giuliani instead of law enforcement. I recall how wildly unlikely the whole chain of custody appeared, and how most reasonable people thought it so lyrically spy novelesque as to be unbelievable, the kind of story reputable news outlets wouldn’t normally touch. It looked like a Russian disinformation deal, except even the Russians would have rejected the plan as ludicrous. Likely the Times and WaPo were still feeling the burn from the Anthony Weiner laptop “discovery”, you know, the one that prompted Jim Comey to reopen the Clinton email investigation days before the election, and collectively decided to let this laptop lie (no pun intended). But the Post took it on, because the Post, like Fox News and the other aforementioned outlets, is always thirsting for slime on the Bidens. Mainstream media, love it or hate it, may have dropped the ball on the Hunter laptop story, but they were making editorial judgements based on the best information they had. Doing so isn’t censorship. Censorship is what governments do. The Times doesn’t have that kind of juice.

Oh, and Orange Man still bad.

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The gist of your defense of the Times et al, and your condemnation of the NY Post, is that - based on the information available at the time - the former were being responsible in refusing to report what proved to be true and earthshattering news, and the latter was being irresponsible in reporting such news.

But you ignore the fact -- and it is indeed a fact, and I doubt you will contest it -- that the former continued in their refusal loooonnnng after the laptop was clearly shown to be authentic in 2021. In fact, the Times and WaPo didn't admit its authenticity until well into 2022. And they never did issue any apology for their mistaken conclusion to the contrary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy#:~:text=In%20December%202019%2C%20under%20the,been%20tampered%20with%20or%20manipulated%22.

You also ignore the fact that the FBI had authenticated the laptop way back in 2019 -- something the Times et al could easily have determined from their inside contacts at the FBI, but didn't bother to do (or perhaps they did do that but failed to report it because it went against their narrative.

In any event, the bottom line is that your shucking and jiving about the incompetence of the NY Post looks a little like you "doth protest too much" in view of their indisputable breaking of the biggest story of the 2020 election. What real news story has the Times or WaPo broken lately?

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As much as I admire your pluck, Glenn, I must remind you to not feed the trolls. People like George Zepernick do not view the world through a lens of reality. It is partisan dissembling all day long and into the night. You have no more chance of convincing him to see reality than you have of convincing Hamas to eschew Jew killing. It's in their DNA. Of course, you may have enlightened some innocent bystander on your substack, and if so, then it was worth the effort.

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The New York Post … a terrific and fun paper. The Post always has the best headlines!

See: https://nypost.com/2015/06/09/new-york-post-editor-and-film-critic-vincent-musetto-dies-at-74/

BTW … it was founded by none other than Alexander Hamilton. He is that one Founding Father that liberals apparently like now because of some culturally misappropriated Broadway play.

See: https://nypost.com/2020/07/03/alexander-hamilton-founded-americas-oldest-daily-newspaper/

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