“It’s dead but still twitches a destructive Executive Order or two spoon-fed to them by squirrely adolescent staffers”

Led by Obama.

“The only surprise from the debate was that the Democrats were surprised.”

Indeed. Which is dubious to me: are they that insulated or are they completely in sync as usual? I think the latter; too cute by half.

It still pains me to hear in my circles “it sucks that we have these two choices” considering we had the best cultural and economic lives up to Feb 2020 and it was the establishment of both parties that ruined it. By design.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Democratic voters and donors should be furious at the White House, DOJ, DNC, & DNC-Media for lying to them and covering up the true condition of the president and their nominee. The Biden presidency is the DNC's latest hoax on the public and in particular, a fraud on their supporters. In a righteous world, Biden would announce his resignation or withdrawal later today, KJP should resign tomorrow morning, and the DNC discredited for a generation.

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It’s not a righteous world, nor even a smart one. The Democrat voters I know are depressed, but not furious. Their baseline is that Trump is evil, and their thoughts and feelings don’t extend beyond that.

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Only *some* of the media lied to Democrats. *I* knew what condition Biden was in and I bet you did too. They were all WILLFULLY IGNORANT. They are complicit in this debacle. Now we have to hold our breath nothing catestrophic happens internationally before November, or before January 20th. Although Trump has already laid that marker down in his VA rally on Friday that our adversaries better not misbehave.

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Gail: NOT IGNORANT, willfully or otherwise! ALL DEMS knew the Demented Sock Puppet is and never was anything but a grifter and liar---heck, he was forced out of the 1988 candidacy. BUT, Yomama knew that once the handwriting was on the wall, and "The Bern" and "Fauxahontas" were going nowhere, he coerced Clyburn to rally the minorities in SC and told him that "if the DSP wins, it will be MY THIRD TERM!" So ALL KNEW ALL ahead of time, and only now are they acting surprised!

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Maybe you're right George. But at least some of the man-on-the-street Dumbocrats who only listen to MSM do seem surprised. These are seemingly the same voters who *said* they would not have voted for Joe if they had heard about the validity of the laptop before the election in 2020. So those folks do seem to be willfully ignorant. They do not WANT to know the truth as it would kill their feelings of moral superiority which they thrive on.

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Push comes to shove, Gail, they ALL vote in lockstep! But they are the "smart ones," get it?

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Ha, yep. You know, I vaguely recall when that QANON"thing was a thing (I never followed it. I couldn't get the hang of it.) I recall someone sharing with me one of the QANON posts that said something about things would be required to get really BAD before people would wake up to the positive things that Trump brings but which the MSM has brainwashed them to oppose. Maybe that is what we are living through.

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Just saw this from Thomas Sowell: "Virtually NO idea is too ridiculous to be accepted, even by very intelligent and highly educated people, if it provides a way for them to feel special and important! Sums up ALL Libtards!

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In order to retain their power, it's become even more urgent for the Democratic Party to throw Trump and his aids in prison.

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And retaining their power is the ONLY thing they care about!

If elections were free and fair, the Dem Party would wither and die a natural death.

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The Bidens are the Democrats' "prize".

If any of them are surprised by what they saw Thur night, then they have been willfully ignorant.

They and the MSM have all the unnecessarily spilled BLOOD on their hands from ushering in this (p)resident - from Ukraine, Israel, our U.S. military withdrawl from AFGH and U.S. citizens being murdered by illegal aliens who have entered this country in the last 3.5 years. 😡

However much you hate these people, it's not nearly enough.

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Glenn, you nailed it. Bidens are not going to leave gracefully. It’s sad and embarrassing to watch. How unloving of his family to not protect him. But .. no fool like an old fool.

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Well, his whole crime family is in a witness protection program: if he drops out, and a future Justice Department no longer shields him, they’re all going down. They’re not “unloving” in seeking to continue his and their protection.

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Glenn: everything you penned is all TRUE! BUT, besides the fact that this sock puppet will NEVER leave (for all the reasons you mentioned and more) somehow, the dems WILL find the votes to drag him across the line again! I would bet ALL my retirement on it!

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Gee, so Barack could lose his Beard, what a shame 🫠.

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Love your reference to the Thenardiers! Beggars at the Feast. Beggar at the feast!

Master of the dance!

Life is easy pickings

If you grab your chance

Everywhere you go

Law-abiding folk

Doing what is decent

But they're mostly broke!

Singing to the Lord on Sundays

Praying for the gifts He'll send

But we're the ones who take it

We're the ones who make it in the end

Watch the buggers dance

Watch 'em 'til they drop

Keep your wits about you

And you stand on top

Masters of the land

Always get our share

Clear away the Barricades

And we're still there!

We know where the wind is blowing

Money is the stuff we smell

And when we're rich as Croesus

Jesus, won't we see you all in Hell

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I wonder IF he has ever scheduled Demented Joe a "Neuropsych eval. exam?"

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Excellent recap. And “the Zombie President” reference is perfect. But the Dems are athwart an insoluble dilemma: if they force him out, they concede that they’ve been lying to us for 4 years about his competency. Yet, even if he does withdraw (and Jill will never allow it), what next? Kamala?

The wheels are off the Dem Train.

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Under the 25th Amendment, all that is needed is for Vice-President Harris to call the Cabinet together to vote on Biden's mental health. With a simple majority, he is replaced.

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Not exactly.

If a majority of the Cabinet votes that his incapacitation should be reported to Congress, then they do, and Congress convenes to consider the matter.

In Congress, it requires 2/3 vote by both the House and the Senate to remove him. That would require all the Republicans plus a good third of the Democrats. It's even harder than an impeachment, which requires 2/3 of the Senate but only a majority of the House.

See https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/amendments/amendment-xxv

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Glenn If you were in Congress and this vote was held would you vote to remove him and risk a viable candidate replacement, or would you vote to retain the Zombie?

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I've wondered that myself, in connection with the question whether our side accidentally did TOO well -- so well that we lose Biden as an opponent.

As for the 25th Amendment stuff, however, it won't happen. A majority of the Cabinet won't vote for it, nor will 2/3 of Congress.

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Agree it won't happen. He won't resign. He might drop out. But that will be negotiated behind closed doors, probably with Jill, and with her making a lot of money.

Maybe with Kamala making a lot of money too. Kamala needs to be seen as leaving for the good of the party... or because she and Joe are such a solid team.

Maybe Jill and Kamala can sell some paintings for several million a copy. It worked for Hunter.

My question was purely hypothetical. ...and we agree. Pushing Dementia Joe out will invite the certainty of a more coherent candidate. That is assuming Kamala goes too. Otherwise we have someone with the apparent intellect of a 7 year old rather than someone with the intellect of a nursing home patient.

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“Master of the house, he’s a dirty louse . . .” The Les Mis reference cracks me up. Someone will make a meme of that for sure. The rest of this is darned near as good. I needed a couple of good laughs before going off to Mass to pray for our sins.

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I'm not Catholic, Chad, but aren't you supposed to pray AGAINST the sins?

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Wise-ass. It’s a good thing for you that the God I believe in loves beneficent wise-asses. According to Goethe’s “Faust,” He even finds value in what, in Batman, is called The Joker, who stirs us off our asses into action.

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Kudos for calling yourself "Bitter Klinger". Great name.

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