Have you ever done any backcountry camping? The kind where you hike a dozen or so miles into the forest, then make camp before nightfall. When you start your campfire, it's still daylight, but as the sun sets, the darkness envelopes you, except for the light from your fire. You hardly notice the light the fire gives off when the sun is still above the horizon, but when it disappears the once dim light from your fire dominates the darkness in your immediate surroundings and the previously unnoticed heat becomes your only source of warmth. Yet it only illuminates and warms those in its immediate proximity, leaving the rest of the forest dark and foreboding. That is a good analogy for our present darkness; we are warmed and illuminated by the fire that is Christianity, but all around us the darkness of atheistic disbelief prevails. My advice is to stay close to the fire and do not, under any circustances allow it to go out. But have heart; the night will not last forever and daylight will eventually arrive. Deus vult!

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“We who are Christians never knew the great philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until the anti-Christian writers pointed it out to us.” — G.K. Chesterton

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Like the punchline for a joke I first heard in grammar school, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."

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The final confrontation between good and evil has begun…pitting those who adhere to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” against those who do not; the false religion of human intellectual arrogance, Marxianity, posing as a political ideology in and utterly incongruous alliance with a political ideology, Islam posing as a religion…with both seeking to destroy the United States so as to destroy Israel.

It really is that simple.

It is Marxianity that is in violation of the establishment clause and climate change is the false religion’s Armageddon complete with tenets and abortion as a sacrament.

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Lefties are hatefully jealous because, like communist regimes, they can't stand the competition.

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There is definitely a ramping-up effort within the DNC and DNC-Media to demonize so-called "Christian nationalists" as being dangerous extremists. In my grandparents' day, that would have been over 75% of the entire population of the country.

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Breaking news — The NFL is getting another openly professing Christian coach, Jim Harbaugh. Things are going to hell in this country! 😁

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Well, Jews have been discriminated against for 5,784 years; Catholics have been discriminated against for 2,024 years. But we are still here and evangelizing our God and Savior. God is in charge of this world.

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It's been going on for a long while now. Remember Tim Tebow? His response is what ours should be. Ignore the haters and be who you are. I long ago quit giving MSM credit for much of anything. They now get very little of my time. I select who I want to read online and the news is never on my television. Both sides have gotten too whiny for me. People have ridiculed others for their beliefs for all of human history. I don't expect it to change.

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