As always, a tongue in cheek view of some of the idiocy that abounds in today’s society.

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Well, at least you made me chuckle this morning. That is, until I thought about how much this is what is actually going on today with far too many people. Not only must we believe what they tell us, we must also celebrate their absurdity outloud.

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A perfect foil to the inane claims of the hoards of Who/Whats running around demanding that we join them in their self-delusion.

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Likewise … and on a sort of similar wavelength, I frequently tell people that I am a Texan trapped in the body of a Californian.

As I am now retired … this proclamation of mine becomes all the more harder to fully convince others of as my feet feel a lot better wearing flip flops than boots.

C’est la vie …

(Also … not exactly a Texan manner of speaking.)

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May 16, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Wow, Glenn you must have been eating some of those cow-paddy mushrooms when you wrote this....Good stuff, but barely comprehensible....Wait, let me take a toke......Oh wow, it all makes sense now. About as much sense as the world in which we live...

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