Prediction … the Commissars throw another lockdown and mask party, but nobody comes.

Let them take their ball and go home.

Such social engineering failed spectacularly beginning over a century ago with the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment. The resulting Prohibition Era ushered in an unprecedented growth in organized crime and the mass resistance, resentment and disobedience to the beer, wine and liquor bans.

BTW … Prohibition was ushered in by the then early 20th century Progressives. Progressives like the quasi-fascist Woodrow Wilson.

Progressives screwed the pooch back then, and they’re still screwing the pooch right now, 100 years later.


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Be like Nancy and just say "NO!", and maybe carry around a 4 page summary of the Cochran study that says masks don't have any positive impact.(But they have plenty of negative impacts)

If they start getting pushy to tell you to put on a mask, start insisting they REMOVE THEIR masks. Maybe that will make a lightbulb go off in their dim minds that they can't be the boss of you.

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I got to spend last Tuesday evening in the ER of my local hospital. The best thing about the evening was seeing the 40 or so others who were there. Only 4 were wearing masks. That gives me hope that people are paying attention. Not one person coughed or sneezed!

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Make your day? Are you going to walk around unmasked and strapped, twirling your mustache and clanking your spurs? Oh, for a little hint of the fury you

plan to unleash when you throw open the saloon doors and are met by a bouncer holding up an N-95 for you to wear in between shots of your single malt.

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One of us is Liberty Valance. An army of us is unstoppable.

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I’ll be comin’ in on the 3:10 from Yuma. Meetcha at the Golden Corral.

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OK, Tom

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Since when did losers take over? We are in a magnetic pole reversal that briefly unites 'the poor' (racist dog whistle intended) with white collar pseudo-intellectuals. The solution: while outrage about the ignorance of Trump supporters is still hot there is an opportunity to campaign for a return of literacy tests.

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'Alleged ignorance'

The one thing that concerns me the most is that there are still thousands of 'authority figures' with loaded firearms that fear losing their pensions so much that they will violently enforce any rules that Liberty Valance violates.

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Another reason for 401Ks

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