As General Curtis LeMay said after World War II, "I'll tell you what war is: You have to kill people. When you've killed enough, they stop fighting."

Accordingly, for at least two decades I've thought that the "Palestinians," as a group, have earned every bit of lethal misery anyone would choose to inflict on them.

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Thank you, Glenn, for your moral clarity and sensitivity. It means a lot, especially to us Jews watching these horrors unfold, and wondering just how much of history will repeat itself.

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Thank you Glenn. Yep, this is a MESS. But I'm glad you are shining a light on it.

Forgive my blatant pitch, but I'm helping with the (100% volunteer and we never ask for donations!) group JewsChooseTrump.org and JewsChooseTrump on X and JewsChooseDonaldTrump on FB (They shut down the original page from '16)

I hope folks will consider "Liking" or "Following" the various sites/ pages.

The only hope of a world where HUMANITY can be restored is to re-elect Trump.

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Trump should hold a rally for Jews and Israel in NYC, ideally close to Columbia or NYU.

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He has said, jokingly or not, that he’s going to do one in Madison Sq Garden I think. But the footage of him at the bodega is priceless.

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I am not Jewish. I am a Christian American of European ancestry. I support Israel against the islamic onslaught it has suffered since its founding. My support for Israel is extended as an ally in the existential fight between islam and America as well as Christianity in general. My opposition to anti-semitism is based on the same mutual opposition to islam. Israel is a target for annihilation, true, but do not forget that it is characterized as the "little Satan" by its islamic antagonists, whereas America is characterized as the "great Satan." Things are no different now than they have been since the eighth century. Islam's basic, core belief is that it is required to conquer all "kuffars" and expand the umma to include the entire world. This is true regardless of whether it is sunni or shia we are considering. At best, the relationship between islam and the rest of the world is merely a truce, one that can only be maintained if the non-islamic party is sufficiently strong to resist, both militarily and otherwise. Thus, by definition, islam is opposed and inimical to all non-islamic cultures, religions and nations and its presence is no more tolerable than any foreign invader. "Peace" between islam and the rest of the world is defined by taquia, the state of deceit wherein the moslem resides quietly among his non-islamic neighbors until the molsem has acquired sufficient strength to overcome and defeat his neighbor. Politically, this is accomplished by using the tolerance of the non-islamic society--the principle of live and let live that is essential to the functioning of a non-islamic, pluralistic society like the United States and Israel--against that society and gaining strength enough to eventually attack and overthrow it and install the caliphate. In this sense, it is precisely the same as Communism and uses much the same tactics in its efforts to defeat and supplant its opponents. Why is it important to understand this? Because we are witnessing the outworking of this strategy in our country at this very moment. We--that is, our government since the Bush regime--have decided to admit huge numbers of moslems, who have become emboldened enough to come out from under the shield of taquia and demand to rule over us. Who is it you believe to be in the streets, demanding "death to the Jews"? "Students"? Don't be so naive; those students are only a small minority--the "useful idiots" to take a page from Marx--of the current crop of rioters, most of whom are the same ones who engaged in "Occupy Wall Street," as well as BLM and Antifa. Their tactics are the same for the reason that they ARE the same people! Only now, instead of "eat the rich" they chant "kill the Jews." Ironically, the democrats and others who have been so accomodating to the importation of these invaders and all the malcontents and subversives they use as their shock troops under the delusion that they can be leveraged into a means of internal politcal control, still think they can ride that tiger safely, and use it as a cudgel against their political opponents, especially Trump and his supporters. The same holds true in regard to the Biden regime's intentional elimination of the southern border and encouragement of the invasion by third world hordes. Their alleged support for Ukraine against Russia is merely a smokescreen, a diversion, a show of faux patriotism. These are the means whereby American strength and vitality can be drained, the more easily to control a potentially restive populace. Until the rest of us awaken to the fact that we are under attack, both internally and externally by these enemies, and equally important, recognize who they are, we are doomed to be overwhelmed and defeated. Under the cover of anti-semitism--more properly understood as Jew hatred--America is being assaulted. Jews are the canary in the coal mine. We--you and I, the traditional, patriotic American--are the ultimate target. If we allow this Jew hatred to continue and also fail to put a stop to the invasion from the south we are doomed. The fight is only beginning, and can yet be won by political means. But should those means prove ineffective, we shall either be defeated, or will have to resort to what Clausewicz called "other means."

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The canary in the coal mine, indeed. Much has been written about how blithely unaware, incredulous, and passive German Jewry was in the mid-‘30s regarding the storm building around them. Could the same be said for mainstream “white” people across the Western World?

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I’ve been to Israel over 20 times. You absolutely cannot tell who is an Arab and who is a Jew from skin color, sometimes not even by language or accent. Many Jews speak Arabic as a native language (fewer now than 20 years ago) and some Arabs speak excellent Hebrew. There are many light-skinned Arabs, even blond Arabs. Many Jews are very dark-skinned, particularly those from Yemen and Ethiopia. The excuses for Jew-hatred are not particularly rational. All you have to see are the claims of “genocide.” I have to assume that Israel could easily have killed as many civilians by now as Assad killed, maybe 500,000, if that was the goal. In fact, it is Hamas’ goal to see many civilian Gazans killed, as useful propaganda for the gullible.

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I was there in 1962, and all was peaceful---both Jews and Arabs worked together and attended each other's weddings/funerals, and respected each other's holidays. When one wonders what may have gone wrong, one word pops up: Arafat!

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I recall that Hillary went out of her way to hug Arafat's wife, I believe in the White House. Arafat was a proud murderer of innocent Israelis and anyone else who happened to be in the shock zone of one of the bombs he sponsored, plus athletes at the Munich Olympics, etc., etc.

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Apt piece, Glenn.

"The reason I use those words is that today in the year 2024 we are closer to such horror than we’ve been for 80 years, and we must not pretend otherwise."

No we cannot. Jew, Christian - Israel, America - anyone who promotes freedom... They hate you.

These times call for a reminder:

The Men Who Wanted to Be Left Alone

“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. True terror will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

– Author Unknown

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Not just "again", Glenn, but they're promising "again and again and again... a thousand agains".

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Let's hope the Jewish people vote Republican in the next election. But they won't. They support the movement that seeks to eradicate them. I haven't a clue why.

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Do they enjoy or see benefit in their victimhood?

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Common sense has no place in the minds of these protestors.

The 'river' you speak of is the Mississippi River because it flows through the City of Minneapolis, MN?

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Mohammed owned slaves.

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The Woodstock generation was skeptical of government, corporations, the media and the university leadership. This generation are boot-lickers and docile sycophants to all of the above.

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The media is playing us for profit.

“The first, and so far only, in-person, on-camera remarks of President Biden, on the outbreak of antisemitic violence on the campus of Columbia University, in their entirety:

Q: Mr. President, what’s your message to the protesters?

Q: Do you condemn the antisemitic protests on college campuses?

THE PRESIDENT: I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I’ve set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians and their — how they’re being —

Q: Should the Columbia University President resign?

THE PRESIDENT: I didn’t know that. I’ll — I’ll have to find out more about it.

Q: Should she resign?

Q: Do you need the abortion issue to win the election?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I need the abortion issue just to follow what’s right.

Q: What will your legacy be on abortion?

THE PRESIDENT: (Laughs.) What will your legacy be as a newsperson?”

[Useless Biden Can’t Help but Botch His Response to Campus Antisemitism

By JIM GERAGHTY, April 23, 2024]

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