One of the treatments for cancer is often hormone therapy. Men with prostate cancer sometimes get what might be called anti-hormone therapy.
Prostate cancer cells need testosterone. Take away the testosterone, and they mostly stop growing and stop multiplying. This is accomplished with drugs that eliminate testosterone. It’s usually not permanent.
This treatment is not without side effects. Testosterone aids in numerous male functions, especially muscular strength and emotional aggressiveness. It’s the main reason that “women” who are really modified men who have gone through male puberty have a big advantage in women’s sports.
Testosterone is manufactured in the testicles. Hence the expression “He’s got real balls” to describe male machismo.
Which brings us to the Mideast.
There’s a cancer in the Mideast. It’s been there for centuries, but lately it has grown more virulent and malignant.
This cancerous terrorism came to Israel again last year, this time starting south of Israel, in Gaza under the regime there called Hamas. They invaded Israel and butchered the residents. They beheaded babies, raped women, and took hostages back to Gaza to torture, kill and display their mutilated remains in public and on the internet. The world has not seen such an exhibition of barbarous cruelty in generations.
The terrorism sympathizers in Gaza cheered. So did the ones at Columbia and Harvard.
Israel is now surgically removing the Hamas terrorism from Gaza, but in the meantime a strain called Hezbollah has metastasized north of Israel. This Hezbollah strain rains missiles and bombs down on Israeli cities and towns. It is launching missiles targeting Tel Aviv a hundred miles away.
These bombs and missiles have no military objective. They are directed at civilians for the purpose of killing, maiming and terrifying them. Hezbollah is officially a terrorist organization according to the U.S. State Department. Its stated aim is to destroy Israel, completely. And by any means necessary, as they say in the fever swamps of American college leftism.
Hezbollah receives about $700 million a year from other terrorists who own and operate the nation of Iran a thousand miles to the east, beyond Iraq. The nation of Iran is Persian by ethnicity, not Arab. They have no natural interest in Israel or the Palestinian problem far to the west.
Their interest is in simply hating on the Jews.
That hatred has little historical basis. It appears to be simply a gimmick. It’s designed to be a point for the people to rally round in support of the ruling theocrats who oppress women, toss gays off buildings, and commit other atrocities, all while keeping their people entrapped in the 11th century.
Iranian Jew-hatred thus has the purpose and methods of a giant pogrom. The Jews are a scapegoat for a failed regime, much as they were in post-WWI Germany and countless other times in history.
This nation of Iran that funds Hezbollah terrorism is the same nation of Iran to which Barack Obama’s outgoing administration delivered wooden pallets of about $1,700,000,000 in Euros and Swiss francs (the cash was in foreign currency in order to get around U.S. sanctions passed by Congress).
Obama assured us that Iran had assured him that none of this nearly-two billion dollars of cash would be used to fund terrorism. As if we’re all gullible enough not to know that cash is fungible.
Hezbollah has used its billions from America via Iran to construct a massive terrorism machine, directed mainly at Israel. It’s the biggest non-governmental military in the history of the world.
Israel has had to resort to hormone therapy to battle this cancer. Here’s the treatment protocol.
Hezbollah is apparently chock full of individuals capable of being infiltrated. The Israelis did so. They learned that Hezbollah was in the process of purchasing new smart phones and pagers. Israel intercepted the shipments, and either modified or replaced the phones and pagers with ones that were tricked out.
To explode. Israel then placed calls to the phones and pagers to detonate the implanted explosives. All at once.
People typically keep their phones and pagers in their front pocket. In men, that places them in proximity to the above-mentioned organ of the male body that produces testosterone. Most of the terrorists were not killed, but only injured. This was by design or by accident, but I suspect by design. The Israelis are not prone to accidents.
The end result is that the terrorists are now money-rich with Iranian funding but testosterone-poor with Israeli hormone therapy.
These much-reduced testosterone levels will probably cause the terrorists to be less aggressive in the future. (And their bosses may find it difficult to recruit replacements.)
But cancer is resilient. More treatment will likely be necessary.
N.B. No offense is meant to cancer patients. I’ve been one myself, though never a recipient of hormone therapy.
What Trump needs to do is tell Xi (who needs Iranian oil) that the NEXT attack into Israel from an Iranian proxy will result in ALL Iranian oil refineries and shipping piers GONE! Xi is keeping "rocket man" in check--he can add the militants in Iran to his bunch of puppets under thumb!
Many drugs lower testosterone levels. It needs to be in the water of Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.