What Trump needs to do is tell Xi (who needs Iranian oil) that the NEXT attack into Israel from an Iranian proxy will result in ALL Iranian oil refineries and shipping piers GONE! Xi is keeping "rocket man" in check--he can add the militants in Iran to his bunch of puppets under thumb!

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Many drugs lower testosterone levels. It needs to be in the water of Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.

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I still really like the term Islamofascism to best describe regimes like the Iranian mullahs, and terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

Islamism + Fascism = Islamofascism

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Hamas actions on Oct. 7th were very much like the Comanches against Texas settlers.

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The Comanches were probably crueler. They would often skin their captives alive, taking g several days. Typically the torture was inflicted by the Comanche women (testosterone wasn't necessary). Another favorite trick was to cut the soles off a captive's feet and abandon them in the middle of nowhere. The Comanches ruled any territory they bothered to invade and were the primary reason the Llano Estacado area of Texas and New Mexico took so long to be settled.

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Thank you for the history lesson. I had no idea that this happened. Of course, these days we hear only the stories about the horrible, privileged white man who took the native American's land.

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I attribute all that testosterone flown into Iran to Valerie Jarrett. Have the Dems ever offered ANY explanation, any justification for this? It seems as irrational as their open borders policy.

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Valerie is still around, I believe, influencing Obama.

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I kind of read "Empire of the Summer Moon", but put it down after the first 60 pages having distress over the description of babies being mutilated and left to the coyotes in three accounts of fights with the pioneers. It's the same with the Jews and WWII. I can't read accounts or look at photos of that either. Too distressing.

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"Empire of the Summer Moon"...yes the Staked Plains. Well researched book, just finished it. In the book "The Domingues Escalante Journal", by Ted Warner, the friendly Utes in Western Colorado severely avoided the Comanches, which had migrated into the Aspen area. We live in nearby Purgatorio, Delta, Colorado.

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