Hello Muddah, hello Faddah,

Here I am in Coloradah.

All I ask is, if you love me,

Why’d ya send me here to Camp 3?

Here the rocks are mostly red,

And the people mostly brain dead,

And though Trump is best in my opinion,

My vote will be soon be cancelled by Dominion!

Bye now,

Your homesick son

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My beloved Colorado is a goner.

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On the mark, as usual, save for one quibble. Although the events of January 6 were not, as you say, Trump's "finest hour," they were far from anything like the "insurrection" as pronounced by the democrats and their lickspittles in the media. Although it has been prominently and repeatedly alleged by the usual suspects that Trump was complicit in failing to take steps to call out the military to protect The Capitol, recently divulged testimony by General Milley, hardly a Trump supporter, has made it clear that Trump gave instructions to have a substantial force of army or national guard available to keep order. His instructions, however were not obeyed and forces were not deployed until far into the afternoon, long after a show of force would or could be effective in keeping order. In other words, he was sabotaged and his position as comander in chief was disregarded in an act of disloyalty to the Constitution and military protocol. So all of the noise from the democrat House Committee was produced in direct contradiction to the evidence they had gathered. And neither the democrats nor their catamite media swine have seen fit to correct the reord.

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I agree with you 100%. Personally, I can’t stand Trump‘s persona and obnoxious demeanor, but I know he is far better for the country than Kamala Harris, or virtually any other Democrat for that manner. The Democrats are the Party of Hamas!

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I historically do not answer calls from unfamiliar numbers.

The last two days I have spent playing spin the wheel via phone trying to figure out why a mature tree in my yard has what appears to be a blanket of termite dust around the trunk. I live in the desert and am very familiar with the fun involved with residential termites, but never heard of them on the trunk of a living tree.

As a result of my research, I answered a call this evening from an unknown number. The woman introduced herself as someone from the Democratic Party. I am registered Independent. She asked if I was going to vote for "Kamala", aka Harris. I responded No. She asked if there was any information I would need to vote for her. I said I just returned from the grocery store so her timing for this call was really bad. She thanked me for taking her call.

Very sane exchange.

Wish the ones in real life went like this.

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Could not agree more!

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You must be buying your whitewash by the tank car load, Glenn. But there’s not enough of that stuff in the world to paint over Trump’s failings. People’s personalities are more than the window dressing we see on the surface. They can indicate much deeper manias and neuroses, and your preferred guy has more of those than any candidate since Andrew Jackson. If he were a Democrat with the same set of disqualifications you’d be screaming bloody murder at the very thought of him as president of anything. He is much more to be feared than Harris, all her progressive nonsense notwithstanding. He is every bit as unsuited for office as his demeanor suggests. And he is getting measurably more unwound as his polling continues to slip. I can’t wait to see him after he loses in November. That should be a spectacle.

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I'll put you down for Camp 2, George, though I suspect you're really in Camp 1.

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I prefer neurosis to National necrosis.

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Take a deep breath, G.Z.

The fake polls have to give Kamalama the edge to limit the need for massive fraud.

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Whatever you say, I'll ALWAYS take the candidate who will NOT censor me and lie about everything to get votes! I'll also take the candidate who will NOT follow the govt. lies!

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