I love how the same government that tells us we’d be nuts to travel to Haiti brings Haiti to us.

WHY, OH WHY are they doing this to us?!

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Need more Dem voters AND a place to dump more tax dollars! Plus, the added benefit is that the "educated" (sic) college students can protest when real Americans (the ones who are employed and have kids) scream about illegals getting free everything.

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I sense something more sinister: a Nikita Khrushchev kind of voice, coming not from Russia but from within Western governments, saying “We will bury you.”

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Hopefully these same western govts are learning the truth and seem to be dumping the liberal policies from the past! Germany and France are getting restive, as are Britain and Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Austria and Hungary. Maybe the pendulum is returning to center(?)

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Hi Glenn, great article and funny too! I'm commenting here to include that me and a work colleague I work closely with daily, happened upon the water cooler discussion of Trump, now famously, stating at the debate with Harris, that "they are eating the dogs, their eating the cats, their eating the pets of the neighbors around them". Well, my colleague and friend shared with me that he has had a long-time friend who has lived for years in Columbus Ohio. He went on to say that his friend in Columbus said, that at one time there was a large stray cat population for years, then, when there was a large contingent of Haitians that had moved into Columbus, over time, the stray cat population has vanished.

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Given the choice, would the average resident prefer a population of stray cats, or a population of stray Haitians? The latter tend to reproduce faster ....

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Not to also be racist, but in our area (central PA) when you have a Chinese restaurant, you also often see very few feral cats......

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But Rob! Tastes, like...chicken?

As someone who was born at White Cross Hospital, I find that to be 'turable' (Think of the ecosystem disruption!). They help to control the rodent population, and I'm guessing that even the 'newcomers' don't eat very many rodents (bushytails are fair game). We call the strays around here feral cats. My wife has been attempting to domesticat two feral barn cats for nearly a year. You can tell they are feral because the tip of the left ear has been clipped off by the vet when they are spayed or neutered.

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That does it....I'm not going to visit Haiti


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It would be nice if we actually treated our retiree's as well as illegals. Nothing burns me more than watching a Korean War veteran begging for food while a Haitian was given $20K on his CBP-One account.

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Question: are Jamaicans also b(B)lack?? Or are they Indian?

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This is beyond bullshit.

Springfield’s economy was in the toilet before these LEGAL Haitian refugees arrived. The citizens that live there describe the Haitians as hard-working and friendly. They like the Haitians so much that after Trump’s and Vance’s horrific xenophobic comments, they’ve flooded their businesses and restaurants, buying their goods and services as a show of solidarity.

The cream of the bullshit is here: To conclude that the reports are “false” without any evidence that they’re false – but merely a lack of definitive evidence that they’re true – does violence to the legal principles of evidence.

You do violence to the principle of logic. It isn’t possible to provide evidence that something doesn’t exist. You can only prove that something exists. It is akin to you saying, “Prove God doesn’t exist.”

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Author

You haven't really addressed the issue.

The Haitians may well be "hard-working. and friendly." Nothing in my piece says they're not.

But it's a fact that Haitians in Haiti practice Voodoo which involves sacrificing and eating pets. Your comment implies (without stating) that they gave that up when they came to Springfield.

What's your evidence of that? Do you have interviews where they say "Nah, we don't do that here"? Do you have anything other than your own wishful thinking?

As for proving a negative, that happens all the time. When someone is accused of rape or murder or burglary, they often prove the allegation false by showing they were nowhere in the vicinity.

Right now, the only evidence in this case -- on either side -- are the reports that the Haitians killed and ate cats in Springfield, and the undisputed fact that killing and eating cats is part of their Haitian culture. Maybe that's not enough to convict someone, but it's certainly enough to take the reports seriously.

The "cream of the bullshit" as you put it, is to dismiss an allegation that an immigrant is practicing part of his religious culture after immigrating, upon reports that he is indeed, on the grounds that you WANT the allegation to be false and, besides, they're "hard-working and friendly."

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If you say so. It seems pretty obvious where your thoughts lay. I grew up in Miami in the 1970s and 1980s. We had more than our fair share of Haitian immigrants. The only pets that were missing usually wound up being eaten by gators, not Haitians.

Here's something for you to prove: Are pets being stolen and eaten in Springfield?

I'll assume you have something that's credible. Not the already debunked video of a lady in Canton with mental issues who is not Haitian. You know, like perhaps the mayor, police chief, etc. who can verify.

But you don't, because it doesn't exist, because this is all bullshit. Even Vance admits he knows it was a lie but it doesn't matter because it got him attention:

“The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes," Sen. Vance said. "If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do."


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What evidence do you have that Trump and Vance are “xenophobic”? You sound like someone dismissing overwhelming evidence of rape gangs in northern England as “Islamophobic,” or overwhelming evidence of sex abuse involving boys within the Catholic Church as “homophobic.” I guess all these crimes simply reflect middle-class intolerance of “the other,” or some such bullshit. Try looking up what a phobia actually is.

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If it’s not clear from the formatting, my comment is addressed to Mr. Schwartz, not Mr. Beaton.

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Chicago: heyjackass.com

It is a serious site that has been corroborated.

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