My favorite Biden quote from the upcoming debate is, "Mdienffoekkk hoffiirntpiing, lacnofniicoq squaliifditnvofddiddication!"

How about you? Got a favorite you'd like to share with us?

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I'm hoping that he will update us on the gun violence stats. He said we have lost 150 million people... I'm guessing that we are probably up to 400 million dead citizens now.

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I plan to "come out' (as a Trump Supporter) after this debate...Just like it would be if it were a sexual coming out, I'll start with my family and, if I'm still alive, go from there.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

This is the single best commentary written about Biden and Trump. Thanks for the insight and precise, entertaining commentary.

With regard to changing minds, do you think that Biden can convince people that he is ready for that "call at 3 AM" just because a team of the best doctors we have pumped him full of a cocktail of stimulants that might keep him coherent for an hour?

Trump has another advantage that you didn't mention, and I won't do this as succinctly as you... The audience will benefit from Biden's screwing up the economy, military tensions worldwide, and almost every statement that Dementia Joe has personally made over the last 3.5 years. As a result, people clearly have in mind the concept that important jobs (think Brain Surgeon, Nuclear Bomb Designer, Commander in Chief) need to be performed by competent people regardless of their personality. Trump now has record numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, women, young people, etc. moving to the Right because of this. They are all thinking about the show "House" and would rather recover at the hands of a sharp doctor who is a jerk, than die at the hands of an ancient grandfatherly doctor who may generally not be a jerk, but can't remember which end of a scalpel to hold.

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I PRAY you are totally correct! Trump wins in a landslide BUT ONLY IF we had even a semi-truthful media. I'm still trying to figure out HOW Trump is Hitler. But I DO hear that a lot. Also am attempting to wrap my head around how "Trump is a threat to democracy," but that is prattled on non-stop as well. Finger's crossed. Truly, there needs to be a pre and post blood test for both debaters!

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There does seem to be a pattern of the left accusing the right of everything they are hiding from the public. So, If Trump is indeed a Hitler...

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I object to your assessment that Biden "may generally not be a jerk." I see big JERK in more, not less, of what he does and says.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I totally agree with you here. I should have said that he generally works to give an appearance of not being a jerk or perhaps more precisely of not being an evil heartless power seeking jerk. He has convinced a large portion of the population (the gullible portion in my opinion) that he is a kind fellow... Being a jerk, on the other hand, is just something that Trump enjoys, it's part of his persona and he uses it very effectively to please people who are tired of the left being evil heartless power seeking jerks.. Particularly in Tweets, Trump shows his willingness to be a jerk. Biden, on the other hand, is not sharp enough to use that style in public.

I think Biden is the real totalitarian in the mix. He is willing to use government to attack his opponents, he uses government to attack citizens who disagree with him, he censors opinions he does not like, he (or his friends) lied about, and covered up his involvement with taking bribes from our enemies... I understand that 79% of voters believe that the single effort interfered with the election sufficiently to change the outcome. Many of us believe he is taking bribes and spending our tax dollars wherever he and his family can get the largest kickbacks.

Biden has a history of perversion. His kids call him "Pedo". He has a history of sexual perversion that is known among many on DC, but is also covered up. I seriously do think that in almost every instance, the things he accuses the right of wanting to do are exactly the things he is doing. Biden has the luxury being protected by the press, etc.

Bottom line, I stand corrected. Biden is closet jerk while Trump is a person who will stand up to a jerk by treating them with contempt in public. The voters always want transparency, we finally got it and quite a few people can't handle the truth.

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Too bad the author was not honest about his TDS.

It is no longer disputed that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from President Trump.

This is the root of ALL our problems..

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

For the record, I voted for Trump twice and, moreover, supported him publicly in my writings both times, and intend to do so a third time.

And you, Ms. "NY Nanny"? Did you do anything besides keyboard warrioring under a fake name? Did you write published articles? Did you donate money to his campaign? Did you go door-to-door?

More broadly, I'm amused and bemused that the Far Right now has a litmus test -- much like the Far Left's litmus test on abortion or climate change. The far right dubs people mentally ill -- suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome" -- unless they have faith that the 2020 election was "stolen."

As in the case of the Far Left's climate change litmus test, this Far Right litmus test of a stolen election is indeed a matter of faith, not a matter of proof -- because the proof that there was ENOUGH fraud to change the outcome of the election is pretty darned thin.

Rather than giving us proof, we're given conclusory and unfounded statements like yours: "It is no longer disputed that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen from President Trump."

But that's simply not true. It's not only disputed, but it's disputed by a majority of Americans.

Now go ahead and prove my point by name-calling me some more.


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Dear Glenn- thanks very much for your response and for allowing me to comment on your post in the first place as I am not a paid subscriber. ( I was sent a link to your substack)

It didn't dawn on me that you were "that" Glenn Beaton until I looked you up and realized that you are a writer whose work I have read and enjoyed over the years in different publications.. (LOVED "High Altitude" )

Anyway- to respond to your questions and accusations about me, however sarcastic they may have been, please know that I am most certainly not just a "keyboard warrior" as you have alleged. In fact, I have been politically active, "boots on the ground", in my town, county and state for decades.

Yes, I have written a few published articles, yes, I have donated time and money to President Trump's campaign and many others; I have gone door to door for many political causes, including my own candidacy when I ran for office or helped others to do so. I have always believed that the only chance I have to make a difference in politics and governance was at the local level in my small NY town and this has proved to be correct based on some of the victories we've had over the years.

As far as why I believe the 2020 election was stolen, there are so many articles, reports, investigations, etc. that verify the claim that I am shocked that you believe otherwise. You obviously are someone who knows how to do research and who's a writer as well. I really don't understand why you believe as you do and would love to know more about why you think the 2020 vote was legit.

Meanwhile, I just came across this piece from Time magazine that I had saved, that actually brags about some of the chicanery that took place. I'm sure you've seen it.


I hope that in the coming days and weeks before November 5th you do some more posts about election integrity, 2020 and why you believe that our elections were and are fair and accurate.

Many thanks.



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I agree about the radix malorum part, but not that our author has TDS. Rather, he appears to have some kind of faith in the system that I have lost. His former argument that there is simply not enough evidence of difference-making election fraud has been weakened considerably by the revelations of the the past two years, just as Joe McCarthy’s wild-ass claims have, conversely, been vindicated by the Venona Papers. For me, from the start, the 2020 election never passed the smell test.

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Chad, repeating the mantra STOLEN!STOLEN!STOLEN! is no substitute for hard evidence and numbers showing that there was enough fraud to change the outcome. No credible, objective observer has offered that evidence. Rudy Giuliani promised it way back in December 2020. We're still waiting for it.

And don't tell me the absence of evidence is because the courts tossed the cases on procedural grounds. That did not stop Giuliani or others from presenting his promised evidence to the court of public opinion together with number-crunching showing it changed the outcome. What stopped them from presenting that evidence, one can fairly conclude, is that it simply does not exist except in the minds of sore losers.

I'm done with the whine of "the refs stole the game!" Harping on that does nothing except turn sentiment against Republicans by the majority of Americans -- who, despite what Ms. NY Nanny contends, believe the election was NOT stolen.

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Since when, Glenn, does what “the majority of Americans” believe have much bearing on the nature of truth, goodness, or reality? That majority votes Democrat, and the roughly 40% minority among Republicans who join that majority (many of whom have an animus against Trump) obviously makes for an even larger majority of the general population. So what?

From what I’ve read, a majority of Americans (British subjects at the time) did not support the American Revolution. A majority of Americans today regard elective abortion as a desirable expedient. Every day, Remainers in the British government, who clearly represent a majority among the ruling class, betray their Brexit constituents, who probably constitute a popular majority, resulting in the steady Islamification of the nation and the dissolution of the Conservative Party, which has been anything BUT “conservative.” Roughly the same thing is occurring here: Dems and RINOS find charges of election fraud inconvenient. The welfare of the Deep State must be preserved.

The majority that matters for me are the 6 in 10 Republicans who DO believe that election fraud is real and significant, and who are up against a tyrannical and/or indifferent majority that is “running the show” and determining public opinion.

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AGREE! When I realized who Glenn is (the writer and author) I was very surprised that he still thinks the 2020 election was legit. There are so many aspects to the way it was rigged and Mollie Hemingway's book by the same name (Rigged) gives a lot of insight.

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Well said!

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I hope everyone watches.

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Trump did not lose that election. We did!

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I pointed out a few days ago that the moderators mics should be shut down, too. You know they're going to try to save Biden with every fiber of their being.

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They will mute Biden's microphone when he mumble stumbles.

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I hope you are right, especially about Trump..The Biden shortcomings are there every day for all of us to see. When we go the grocery store, the gas pump, and even Home Depot where there are hordes of IA's lining up for day work. And then those fun-loving pro-Palestinian protestors who might as well be wearing "Biden for president" t-shirts.

Trumps biggest strengths (other than Bidens weaknesses) in my opinion are his record (not in a criminal sense :) and how his policies will contrast with and be an improvement from Biden's

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Well, this lifts my spirits. I was expecting a shit show. Now I’m worried principally about this year’s Candy Crowley moment, not that Trump will wither before our eyes the way Romney did. Still, there are going to be some heavy thumbs on the scale.

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Good piece, Glenn and I agree.

Trump has more affection than you think. I am reading "Grant" by Chernow and am further reminded that all of our Presidents that had a real job - working at the ground level in the military or the private sector - prior to running for higher office have always had difficulty learning how conniving and corrupt lifetime politico's are.

If you are 'anti-establishment' in any way you will be dealt with. Grant had two years of 'scandals' committed by chameleons he thought he could trust. JFK figured out early that the CIA misled him with Cuba, made adjustments and was taken out. Same with Nixon. Ronaldus' own VP didn't support his policies. All of it and then some with Trump.

You can walk around all day as a paranoid loon or you start a relationship as in business and let others out themselves - Trump is a master at that. He hired mostly great people after the first year.

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