And don’t forget, those dindenDems also support Hamas and their murderous ways in Israel. At this point, how could [any] Jew in America vote for a Democrat?! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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They abdicated their thinking long ago.

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At this point?

Whites have been voting Democrat for their own demise in FUSA for generations because its racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, hateful, ignorant, and backward to "vote" or otherwise advocate to preserve your way of life, heritage, religion, traditions, institutions, and land if that is any way counter to the moral supremacy of the current year issues of the Great Progress.

Blank-slate, egalitarian, civic-national magic dirt and Our Greatest Strength is who we are. The people of Demver would rather see their kids heads on pikes than be called racist. The poo in the streets is but a minor side-effect. Like all the myocarditis in their kids hearts from the magic jab they forced on them so their friends wouldn't think they were "republicans".

Be patient, NPR will sort it out and they will all coalesce around the Narrative. Just in time to keep Orange Man Bad off the tee vee once again.

And the jews will go back to finding ADL-approved boogeymen in the hinterlands instead of awkward tweet wars and congressional caucuses among the coalition of the perpetually diversifying.

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I spent almost 25 years living in LoDo... moved there in 1998 after college, got to experience the "booming" Denver of the early 2000s in my twenties, with clean and safe streets, an active downtown with shops galore and Coors Field, a bustling nightlife, and tons of friendly and welcoming people packing the sidewalks.

Things started noticeably deteriorating around 2010-2012. The community "vibe" where everyone had each other's back started to disappear. The general friendliness began to fade. Millions of people moved in. Traffic increased dramatically. Road rage and crime skyrocketed, and that community vibe was replaced with an "every man for themself" mentality. And now you can't even get to the mountains unless you wake up at 4am on a Saturday to beat that insane I70 rush. Then came all the homeless camps, tweakers, sidewalk shitters, and catalytic converter thefts.

The last straw was when some tweaker broke into my wife's car in Five Points in broad daylight, smashed up the dashboard, and tried to hotwire it. Fuck all that... we sold our place in 2021 and left for greener pastures. You couldn't pay me to move back to that shithole at this point.

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Feelin' ya. Glad you managed to escape.

This country is being balkanized - and I'm all for it.

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All so predictable. Seems to be pathologic with contemporary progressives to ruin the places where the regular people live and work.

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Jeff, you make a great point about "contemporary progressives" and we add, not your use of ruining, but only ATTEMPTING, "to ruin the places where the regular people live and work."

We agree with your use of "pathologic," and "contemporary progressives," and the verb, ruin, and "regular people"--probably referring to yourself and us, readers of Glenn's great columns.

But we challenge the flavor of your post, which you conclude implying that we decent people have no recourse. But no, we do have recourse.

YES, WE DO HAVE RECOURSE! And Glenn provides the information and the incentive to fight, that is, FIGHT!. the sick, modern liberal/lefty/""/Democrat/moral relativist/subjectivist/humanist/secularist machine. They are sick, evil, vicious, vacuous, uninformed, fools and we, intelligent, analytical, people that we are, will , WILL ABSOLUTELY, prevail.

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As much as anyone that has ever smoked a joint in their lives hate to read these words, it was the legalization of marijuana that you can pinpoint the rise in homelessness. It's just smoke, right? But no matter what they say, its a gateway drug to crack and meth, its just smoke right? The experiment failed, we were all wrong.

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I've been saying the same thing for years. Riding on the light rail was so much fun until pot was legalized. Now it's scary. This is equivalent to The Opium Wars. Sedate the masses.

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Yes, of course, you're right.

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I was born in Denver in 1965. I have lived here my entire life. Denver (and CO in general) was a beautiful, pristine place for a long while.

I am appalled and saddened by what it’s become—a festering pustule of all the things I detest. It’s now a place where personal responsibility and personal accountability go to die, but is rewarded, thanks to the Vagrant Industrial Complex, among others. All of which (and so much more) is unwillingly underwritten by we hard-working taxpayers.

Don’t even get me started on the Soros ‘safe’ injection site scheme, or the hordes of illegal invaders and enemy combatants flooding into America and our ‘sanctuary’ city … meanwhile, the trash keeps piling up, crime continues to skyrocket and the economy is a dumpster fire.

We subsidize much of this without any debate, accountability, or even a vote. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars without so much as a hint of any requirement for personal responsibility or sobriety.

Rather, our money is squandered on NGOs by edict or decree; NGOs that have zero interest in (or any intention of) solving these problems because they gain fabulous wealth and power as the taxpayer gravy train rolls through.

Does anyone genuinely believe they’d put themselves out of a job by ending ‘homelessness’?

Zero chance. All involved are disgusting and reprehensible grifters. Invite the third world, become the third world.

Nevertheless, I will remain here and fight for her, because CO (and our great nation as a whole) is *worth* fighting for.

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It’s happening to every major city in America. It’s almost as if it was planned….

Which of course it was. Charlotte NC spent years making uptown vibrant. It’s now full of vagrants and thugs. I assume when all the cities crumble in value, the WEF members will come in to buy on the cheap, start policing again, and build even greater wealth. Goodbye middle class America.

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this is just another Democrat success story.....they repeat it over and over all over America.

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liberalism kills

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Dope is for dopes.

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"Downtown Denver has become a pus-filled sore in an overflowing post-apocalyptic outhouse". Positively mellifluous. The only niggle I have with your assessment is that we are still pre-apocalyptic. Rather like Thelma and Louise a precious few miles short of the lip of the canyon.

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Growing up in the 60s in suburban Denver, we called the vagrants winos and they hung out mostly around Larimer Street. In those days the drug of choice was cheap fortified wine, such as Thunderbird or MD 20/20

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Ah yes, Mad Dog 20/20

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A side note … hear a rather witty and sarcastic website that rates all of those infamous bum wines. Click onto each wine brand to read the review …


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Larimer Street!!! Look out for Dean Moriarty's daddy!!!

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This is a wonderful--no, a beautiful, article on, not only Denver, but on all of the modern liberal/lefty/"progressive"--in quotes because there is nothing progressive about this "progressivism"/moral relativists/subjectivists/humanists/secularists in cities and other governmental entities in the USA, and the gymnastic leaps and twists that they have to go through to attempt to justify their insanity. It is well focused for us. Thank you, Glenn!

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Yep, vagrancy -- which means “wandering out of bounds” literally and/or metaphorically (mentally) -- is the right word for it. I’ve been to that “one square mile” you mention, which being at the time (“Pride Month”) overrun with sexual freaks as well, was truly demoralizing. I feel sorry for the sucker buying your condo: soon he/she will have illegal migrants for neighbors, as well as poop in the streets.

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Just thinking, Glenn -- Weaning yourself from both The Wall Street Journal and the City of Denver in the same month or two means that you’re experiencing either a Late-Life Crisis or Galloping Enlightenment. I’d call you “Woke,” but the word’s already been taken.

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Current Colorado US Senator John Hickenlooper campaigned on "ending homelessness" in Denver in his 2003 mayorial run. It was his signature issue. Downtown was becoming overrun...by 2003 standards. He then promptly paid for more homelessness, drawing in vagrants for the riches that awaited him.

Denver voters liked that so much they elected him Colorado governor as a reward for the parks being overrun...by 2011 standards.

Then Denver voters elected a drug-using, prostitute-chasing Michael Hancock in 2011. When his history came to light he first denied, then made a weak apology for his bad judgement and won election with the support of Denver's developers and large business interests. The scandal of the drug and prostitution ring he was a part of went into the upper echelon of Denver and Colorado society, the Denver Players club. Police investigations were cloaked in secrecy to avoid naming the powerful names in the black books and ended with little more revealed. The cover up was completed:


When you elect a leader who has an appetite for drugs and prostitutes you get what's happened to Denver. And you don't get what's happened in Denver unless the most powerful people in a city want it.

Ever since Hickenlooper decided to pay for more homeless the powerful have gotten what they wanted. A hollowed out core of a city. Most likely to drive down property values to swoop in and invest in for new developments.

Developers were Hancock's biggest investors who pulled him through scandal. And he delivered. And the Marxist city council members are truly useful idiots there to finish the job.

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Drug addicted zombie slaves are what they want all of us to be. It’s planned.

We are being replaced.

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That's what the ptb would like...but trust me, I ain't being replaced. not by a long shot.

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Hey, I’m a pureblood with a few full mags. I knew that vax was bad before it was even talked about on tv. I know who the enemy is.

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Well. Unless maybe the elections are crooked.

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Jena Griswold would supervise crooked elections? Say it's not so!

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It's sad to think we can look back fondly on the days of Mayor Pena. I fled Denver in the late 80's, I could see where it was heading. I miss a lot of things about Colorado. Downtown Denver ain't one of 'em.

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