The women who are afraid of righteous anger are a disgrace to our gender and shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Or talk to management. Ok kidding about the latter but they should never be taken seriously. Their weakness is an impediment to normal human functioning. If we can’t have righteous anger in situations calling for it then we should just go the hell home and call it quits. My female opinion of course. As an *actual* woman who is righteously pissed off at 50% of my gender who thinks abortion is more important than anything else in life. How fucking embarrassing. Sorry for the profanity.
YES! How damn sad is that shit? My uncle and I were talking about voting a few weeks ago and he was chiding his daughter, my lovely cousin, for not voting. He asks if I voted and I said omg of course I’ve voted since the day I turned 18. He said he could never in good conscience NOT vote bc his mother, my tiny German grandmother may she rest in peace, was ten when women were “given” the right to vote and she treated it as the hard won privilege that it was. She would have boxed the ears of anyone in our family with vote apathy were she alive to witness it. But here we are, women throwing our country away so that they can murder a baby in the womb, maybe.
I can't imagine him not being angry after everything they have done to him. Trial after trial, going after his family, going after his property, I'm not sure any of us would do any better. It's got to be exhausting.
Anger or no anger, if Americans are gullible enough to vote for 4 more years of a collapsing house of cards economy, unsustainable debt, millions of illegal aliens being welcomed across our southern border (while we are facing a critical shortage of affordable housing0, increasingly lawless cities, constant inflation and the consequent unaffordable gas and grocery prices, foreign wars, etc. etc. we deserve exactly what we get.
Welp, I guess like everything else, whether Trump's anger helps or hurts him is in the eye of the beholder. But my reason for posting this comment is to tell you that I had a nearly exact replica of your youthful experience. I, too had been locked out of the house by my older sister. I can't recall the reason for her decision to do so, whether it was in anger or frustration or out of a desire to tease her little brother, but I thought it would be a good idea to show her she couldn't mess with me like that by punching out the glass pane in our front door. To my defense, I had seen many a TV show where the protagonist did something similar and emerged unscathed. That was not my experience. As soon as I pulled my pudgy little fist back through the jagged opening I had just made, I noticed the blood spurting out of the two inch gash in my wrist. As I stood there, transfixed at the sight of my lifeblood pulsing out of an artery, I heard my father approaching, bellowing in anger at what his stupid kids had done this time. He barely paused to look before he wound up and booted me square in the ass. I guess he saw the trail of blood I left as I sailed up the front stairs, and he quickly reassessed the situation, wrapped my wrist in some towels and drove me to the ER for stiches. All in all, I was rather lucky to avoid bleeding out or severing a nerve. Nonetheless, I learned quite a few important lessons from that little escapade which served me well as I have aged. Just don't ask me what they are.
I had to look at your name to see if you were MY little brother retelling this story. Yes, I locked a younger brother out of the house (because he was raging mad that I had wrestled him down 11 times in a row). In his fury, he also pounded on the large window of the back door and ended up with shattered glass and multiple cuts on his knuckles. Then he saw big sister much differently! He was happy to let me lead him out to the back yard where we could use the hose to wash away blood and bits of glass and assess the damage. Fortunately, he did not require stitches. I couId clean up his cuts and bandage them so that he was eventually left with just a few scars on his knuckles. I don't recall what my parents said about the broken window.
I pray daily and fervently that Trump does win and sends the Kacklers packing. Speaking of packing, Biden/Harris are already doing deep state hires to the federal court system that I pray will be undone. I am a woman who is not afraid of anger, but am terrified by the cheating we saw on Tuesday and the results of it.
I agree completely with your reasoning, which is certainly borne out in Hamlet — for me the wisest, profoundest, most beautiful single work of literature ever written. Despite his intention to “put on an antic disposition,” Hamlet’s inability to control his rage at the utter corruption of Denmark’s ruling class dooms him.
My only hope lies in the fact that the play’s audience recognizes his essential moral superiority and nobility of character and that, correspondingly, those of us watching the debate see the same in Trump and recoil from the serpent-like usurping dissembler that is Kamala Harris. Were it not for my expectation of more election fraud, tantamount to the rigged duel in Hamlet, I’d have considerable hope that he will prevail.
Many of the commenters have expressed the sentiment that Trump has lots to be angry about -- that he SHOULD he angry.
I get that. And I'd probably be angry too if I were in his position. In fact, I'm angry even though I'm NOT in his position.
But the question is whether his particular expressions of that anger are helping him with the women, independent and moderate voters who are necessary to win an election. I'm guessing they're not.
I suppose THAT fact can make us angry too, and we can express that anger as well. But at some point, maybe we need to manage our anger in a way that enables us to win elections.
So Kamala had a good performance at the debate. So what. She was coached by Hollywood actors for 5 days. It just proves that she is a good actor and able to say anything at any time and make it look like she means it. Trump’s ego got in the way, and he underestimated her and ABC, and he didn’t prepare and blew her off. Kamala is best friends with the CEO of Disney/ABC and more than likely had the questions in advance, and was told that she would not be fact checked, but that Trump would. So what’s she going to do? Get coached by Hollywood actors for 5 days before she meets with Putin and Xi? Trump looked good (thanks to the makeup crew) but tired. I’m wondering if all the lawsuits and the near miss of the assassination attempt have weighed him down. He always seemed indestructible to me. I think it’s best to wait and see. Wait and see if Trump can get on top of his game. And wait and see if Kamala turns back into the giggling word salad buffoon. I still have my money on Trump. The alternative is a nightmare.
Trump has never had the personality I would, and I bet all of us would, prefer for our Commander in Chief; however, does one coherent performance greatly aided by good friend, biassed and foot on the scales ABC "moderators" alter Kamala, without her signature cackles and babbling word salads change the true nature and many shocking weaknesses of Harris?
Weaknesses that are very dangerous of our country?
Please, for background, in addition to her weaknesses in all policies, remember how short Kamala is and that she always wears ill fitting really ugly pant suits and that her voice always sounds whiny and pleading.
Commander in Chief?
She is still the same nincompoop we have seen ever since Biden selected her as VP.
Trump's fundamental policy strengths to protect and to strengthen the US still convince me that he is the wisest choice for all of us in a troubled world.
Declining hierarchy of US leadership:
Obama, a weak and insufferably arrogant shallow man, selected a weaker man as his impeachment insurance;
Biden, a very weak man who fabricates lies all the time, selected a weaker woman as his impeachment insurance, Kamala Harris, and Harris not to be outdone taking the US leadership farther down hill, selected a seemingly very silly smily lefty Walz as her impeachment insurance.
The only point I would disgree with you is that Biden DID NOT SELECT her as his VP---Obama--who INSTALLED Biden after confering with Clyburn--ORDERED him to "Select her!" A true DEI hire, and part of the "Fundamental change" to America! Do we REALLY think Biden--who successfully HID all during the 2020 election season using Covid as cover--REALLY wanted to debate Trump, and, in JUNE, as opposed to, say Sept.? He was FORCED to do so AND had his adderall withheld so America could finally see what all sentient people knew in 2020: he was demented beyond use. Do we REALLY think Camel-A could win in an honest Dem primary? Had not "Fang Fang" been in that line-up, she'd've been FIRST out the door. Then, she compiles the title of WORST VP ever, LOWEST approval ratings, and now is second only to God Almighty(??) And would demented Joe REALLY, on his own, select her for VP after she attempted to gut him in the debates and pin the (usual) RACIST label on him? Jill alone would've shot that idea down! Anyway, sorry for the rant--your points are all good, and like Glenn, I'm ready to kick at LOTS of doors! First of all would be to gather up and send to Russia EVERY so called journalist other than a few on Fox and some other sane channels.
Richard Nixon was captain of the debate team at Whittier College. When he debated John F Kennedy, he performed flawlessly. By the scoring system for debating, Nixon won, but everybody who watched the debate came away with the impression that Kennedy won.
Kamala's handlers understood the dynamic of this debate. Kamala's assignment was to reprise all the straw-man attacks against Trump, from Stormy Daniels to Russian collusion. Trump could have politely disputed her assertions, and people would have come away with the nagging impression that maybe there was a little bit of truth to them. Instead, Trump reacted with the righteous anger of a man falsely accused, then turned the attacks back on Kamala, whose greatest accomplishment was not once giggling inanely.
People feel oppressed: by the government, the media, big tech, big pharma, etc. They're looking for a fighter, not a gracious gentleman loser that all the Republicans pride themselves on being. Abraham Lincoln was criticized for his tolerance of Ulysses S Grant, a man partial to whisky with no diplomatic skills. Lincoln's reply to these criticisms was "I need this man. He fights".
I agree with all that Gary. The problem, however, is illustrated by your example of the Nixon/Kennedy debates.
Yes, Nixon won the debate as a debating contest. But as you point out, it was Kennedy who won more voters in that debate, and of course it was Kennedy who won more votes in the election.
Yes, we need a fighter in the Oval Office. But a fighter who can't win enough voters' votes, will not be in a position to fight. He's reduced to a non-fighter. Losers cannot fight -- they're no longer in the ring.
Actually, there was a question whether Kennedy did win more votes. Both Illinois (meaning Cook County) and Texas (Glasscock County) had voting chicanery that gave Kennedy the electoral votes needed to win the election. Nixon could have challenged the vote, but he felt that would cause too much division in the country, so he ceded the election to Kennedy. Kennedy barely survived 1,000 days in office before his assassination, for all the good it did him. Trump didn't even make it to the White House before his (near) assassination only 58 days before the second debate. He took a bullet for the country due to Secret Service chicanery by the Biden/Harris administration -- now extended to RFK jr. Dead men can't fight either, so I don't think Trump feels he's bound by the Oxford Rules for Debate any longer.
There's anger, and there's anger. I watched, and didn't even notice an overabundance of it. What I've really noticed is the anger of the left, for years. They're going to do whatever they're going to do. But the clips I've heard from the after-debate groups show another kind of anger: they don't want to continue the last 3½ years. I think enough people agree with that kind of anger.
While I don’t share your pessimism as to the election (there will be a black swan event that propels Trump into the White House) I do agree as to your observation as to anger…but I don’t blame Trump, I blame his debate handlers. That Harris would be poking at Trump’s pride had to be a foregone conclusion…with each presenting a unique opportunity.
As to the 2020 election Trump should have said “We will never know, but I believe in God and know that soon all that was done in the dark will be brought to the light”.
As to abortion, Trump should have said that while he agreed Roe v Wade was rightly overturned by the SCOTUS on Constitutional grounds, the issue has been returned to the states where it belongs…where individual voters will have to reconcile their beliefs with God.
Finally, as to crowd size Trump should have said it was a silly issue to debate given the November outcome will reveal the truth.
In retrospect I regret not having just one hour with Trump before the debate…without handlers present.
HE HAD debate handlers, especially Tulsi Gabbard, who successfully baited Camel-A in the dem primaries in 2020. BUT, Trump will NOT listen to handlers and thinks he knows best. Like most others on this site, I WILL vote for him again and again, BUT, our entire extended family who will, again, vote for him just wish he'd THINK before he went off on a rant! And I get the fact that he's been lied about and mis-labled his entire time as a candidate and thern POTUS, but you must appeal to more than your base!
Chriss: but now he has said he will NOT do a 3rd debate (second time against Camel-A) and I think that is a YOOOOGE mistake. She wants it and can now call him a coward. He needs to say YES, but on Fox, and if SHE quails, then SHE is the coward. All he has to say is TWICE it's been on your guy's biased turf. Fox or nothing, town hall or regular style!
I would agree with you, then she would look like the coward. That would be a good idea, but I do agree that he shouldn't walk into a lion's den once more. Their real fangs might come out.
They HAVE no "real fangs!" All he needs to do is say something "snarky" and smile back at her. NEVER lose his cool---if she says something about crowd size ask her "WTF does that have to do with anything," and FORCE this clown show to demonstrate that they have no knowledge about ANYTHING!" He's missing a chance here! He can EASILY FRY HER---just show her failures, and get some expert advice on her supposed "plans!"
The problem is that anger is an emotion. Humans are unique among living beings in that we posses an intellect that is capable of overriding the emotional impulses. It's okay to be angry. But it's not okay to let our emotions rule our behavior. Rationalism is what pulled western civilization out of the dark ages, and built the comfortable world we inherited. But devolving to reacting emotionally is what Progressivism has been pushing over the last century; getting people to react emotionally instead of intellectually. We're turning back into animals.
We need leaders who can respond intellectually, not emotionally.
The left broke Trump's code by learning to poke his ego, which causes him to react emotionally instead of as the calculating dealmaker. And considering Trump's age, he's probably not going to get any better.
I was angry also, the debate was a farce. ABC commentators constantly attacked trump, ignored any failed answers or behavior by harris. It was an insult to the intelligence of the American people and it is a shame that some of them will not realize this, as you seem to be doing. This is not a woman thing, all of the intelligent women I work with figured this out. It is a shame a lot of the younger women are totally clueless, their education has not included the ability to do their homework on their own and not accept the garbage the teachers are putting out. Unfortunately, not every one can home school although it is getting easier and the schools around here are working with it.
Fabulous column as is almost always the case....I think (hope) Trump is doing a rope-a-dope about not wanting to do a second debate....It's obvious that while Trump was out preaching to his adoring crowds (millions at just one rally, right?) Kamala was holed up in a hotel room getting prepared, just like the prosecutor that she is...
Now, diverging from the subject of your email, your story about your foot is disheartening. About 2.5 years ago, I was working by myself in my store and I fell off a ladder that was stupidly placed in a corner. Was only two steps up, but in my panic over falling, I grabbed onto a metal building stud and almost cut off the about 20% of my hand, including my little finger. The doctors did a miraculous job putting it all together but to this day, I still have a funky feeling in that part of my hand and finger...I was hoping not would go away. But it will probably last longer than the pain from Trump's loss, if that happens.
Trump should DEMAND a debate/town hall on FOX! She's now saying she wants to do more! I'd say YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE with the ridiculous networks, now it's MY time on MY choice network!
The women who are afraid of righteous anger are a disgrace to our gender and shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Or talk to management. Ok kidding about the latter but they should never be taken seriously. Their weakness is an impediment to normal human functioning. If we can’t have righteous anger in situations calling for it then we should just go the hell home and call it quits. My female opinion of course. As an *actual* woman who is righteously pissed off at 50% of my gender who thinks abortion is more important than anything else in life. How fucking embarrassing. Sorry for the profanity.
Right on. Would give up my (female) vote if we could repeal women’s vote. It’s that serious.
YES! How damn sad is that shit? My uncle and I were talking about voting a few weeks ago and he was chiding his daughter, my lovely cousin, for not voting. He asks if I voted and I said omg of course I’ve voted since the day I turned 18. He said he could never in good conscience NOT vote bc his mother, my tiny German grandmother may she rest in peace, was ten when women were “given” the right to vote and she treated it as the hard won privilege that it was. She would have boxed the ears of anyone in our family with vote apathy were she alive to witness it. But here we are, women throwing our country away so that they can murder a baby in the womb, maybe.
I can't imagine him not being angry after everything they have done to him. Trial after trial, going after his family, going after his property, I'm not sure any of us would do any better. It's got to be exhausting.
But, liberal myths notwithstanding, Fox will not be unfairly biased like ABC was.
Anger or no anger, if Americans are gullible enough to vote for 4 more years of a collapsing house of cards economy, unsustainable debt, millions of illegal aliens being welcomed across our southern border (while we are facing a critical shortage of affordable housing0, increasingly lawless cities, constant inflation and the consequent unaffordable gas and grocery prices, foreign wars, etc. etc. we deserve exactly what we get.
Welp, I guess like everything else, whether Trump's anger helps or hurts him is in the eye of the beholder. But my reason for posting this comment is to tell you that I had a nearly exact replica of your youthful experience. I, too had been locked out of the house by my older sister. I can't recall the reason for her decision to do so, whether it was in anger or frustration or out of a desire to tease her little brother, but I thought it would be a good idea to show her she couldn't mess with me like that by punching out the glass pane in our front door. To my defense, I had seen many a TV show where the protagonist did something similar and emerged unscathed. That was not my experience. As soon as I pulled my pudgy little fist back through the jagged opening I had just made, I noticed the blood spurting out of the two inch gash in my wrist. As I stood there, transfixed at the sight of my lifeblood pulsing out of an artery, I heard my father approaching, bellowing in anger at what his stupid kids had done this time. He barely paused to look before he wound up and booted me square in the ass. I guess he saw the trail of blood I left as I sailed up the front stairs, and he quickly reassessed the situation, wrapped my wrist in some towels and drove me to the ER for stiches. All in all, I was rather lucky to avoid bleeding out or severing a nerve. Nonetheless, I learned quite a few important lessons from that little escapade which served me well as I have aged. Just don't ask me what they are.
I had to look at your name to see if you were MY little brother retelling this story. Yes, I locked a younger brother out of the house (because he was raging mad that I had wrestled him down 11 times in a row). In his fury, he also pounded on the large window of the back door and ended up with shattered glass and multiple cuts on his knuckles. Then he saw big sister much differently! He was happy to let me lead him out to the back yard where we could use the hose to wash away blood and bits of glass and assess the damage. Fortunately, he did not require stitches. I couId clean up his cuts and bandage them so that he was eventually left with just a few scars on his knuckles. I don't recall what my parents said about the broken window.
I pray daily and fervently that Trump does win and sends the Kacklers packing. Speaking of packing, Biden/Harris are already doing deep state hires to the federal court system that I pray will be undone. I am a woman who is not afraid of anger, but am terrified by the cheating we saw on Tuesday and the results of it.
I agree completely with your reasoning, which is certainly borne out in Hamlet — for me the wisest, profoundest, most beautiful single work of literature ever written. Despite his intention to “put on an antic disposition,” Hamlet’s inability to control his rage at the utter corruption of Denmark’s ruling class dooms him.
My only hope lies in the fact that the play’s audience recognizes his essential moral superiority and nobility of character and that, correspondingly, those of us watching the debate see the same in Trump and recoil from the serpent-like usurping dissembler that is Kamala Harris. Were it not for my expectation of more election fraud, tantamount to the rigged duel in Hamlet, I’d have considerable hope that he will prevail.
Many of the commenters have expressed the sentiment that Trump has lots to be angry about -- that he SHOULD he angry.
I get that. And I'd probably be angry too if I were in his position. In fact, I'm angry even though I'm NOT in his position.
But the question is whether his particular expressions of that anger are helping him with the women, independent and moderate voters who are necessary to win an election. I'm guessing they're not.
I suppose THAT fact can make us angry too, and we can express that anger as well. But at some point, maybe we need to manage our anger in a way that enables us to win elections.
So Kamala had a good performance at the debate. So what. She was coached by Hollywood actors for 5 days. It just proves that she is a good actor and able to say anything at any time and make it look like she means it. Trump’s ego got in the way, and he underestimated her and ABC, and he didn’t prepare and blew her off. Kamala is best friends with the CEO of Disney/ABC and more than likely had the questions in advance, and was told that she would not be fact checked, but that Trump would. So what’s she going to do? Get coached by Hollywood actors for 5 days before she meets with Putin and Xi? Trump looked good (thanks to the makeup crew) but tired. I’m wondering if all the lawsuits and the near miss of the assassination attempt have weighed him down. He always seemed indestructible to me. I think it’s best to wait and see. Wait and see if Trump can get on top of his game. And wait and see if Kamala turns back into the giggling word salad buffoon. I still have my money on Trump. The alternative is a nightmare.
Trump has never had the personality I would, and I bet all of us would, prefer for our Commander in Chief; however, does one coherent performance greatly aided by good friend, biassed and foot on the scales ABC "moderators" alter Kamala, without her signature cackles and babbling word salads change the true nature and many shocking weaknesses of Harris?
Weaknesses that are very dangerous of our country?
Please, for background, in addition to her weaknesses in all policies, remember how short Kamala is and that she always wears ill fitting really ugly pant suits and that her voice always sounds whiny and pleading.
Commander in Chief?
She is still the same nincompoop we have seen ever since Biden selected her as VP.
Trump's fundamental policy strengths to protect and to strengthen the US still convince me that he is the wisest choice for all of us in a troubled world.
Declining hierarchy of US leadership:
Obama, a weak and insufferably arrogant shallow man, selected a weaker man as his impeachment insurance;
Biden, a very weak man who fabricates lies all the time, selected a weaker woman as his impeachment insurance, Kamala Harris, and Harris not to be outdone taking the US leadership farther down hill, selected a seemingly very silly smily lefty Walz as her impeachment insurance.
How low can they go?
The only point I would disgree with you is that Biden DID NOT SELECT her as his VP---Obama--who INSTALLED Biden after confering with Clyburn--ORDERED him to "Select her!" A true DEI hire, and part of the "Fundamental change" to America! Do we REALLY think Biden--who successfully HID all during the 2020 election season using Covid as cover--REALLY wanted to debate Trump, and, in JUNE, as opposed to, say Sept.? He was FORCED to do so AND had his adderall withheld so America could finally see what all sentient people knew in 2020: he was demented beyond use. Do we REALLY think Camel-A could win in an honest Dem primary? Had not "Fang Fang" been in that line-up, she'd've been FIRST out the door. Then, she compiles the title of WORST VP ever, LOWEST approval ratings, and now is second only to God Almighty(??) And would demented Joe REALLY, on his own, select her for VP after she attempted to gut him in the debates and pin the (usual) RACIST label on him? Jill alone would've shot that idea down! Anyway, sorry for the rant--your points are all good, and like Glenn, I'm ready to kick at LOTS of doors! First of all would be to gather up and send to Russia EVERY so called journalist other than a few on Fox and some other sane channels.
Presidential debates aren't debates.
Richard Nixon was captain of the debate team at Whittier College. When he debated John F Kennedy, he performed flawlessly. By the scoring system for debating, Nixon won, but everybody who watched the debate came away with the impression that Kennedy won.
Kamala's handlers understood the dynamic of this debate. Kamala's assignment was to reprise all the straw-man attacks against Trump, from Stormy Daniels to Russian collusion. Trump could have politely disputed her assertions, and people would have come away with the nagging impression that maybe there was a little bit of truth to them. Instead, Trump reacted with the righteous anger of a man falsely accused, then turned the attacks back on Kamala, whose greatest accomplishment was not once giggling inanely.
People feel oppressed: by the government, the media, big tech, big pharma, etc. They're looking for a fighter, not a gracious gentleman loser that all the Republicans pride themselves on being. Abraham Lincoln was criticized for his tolerance of Ulysses S Grant, a man partial to whisky with no diplomatic skills. Lincoln's reply to these criticisms was "I need this man. He fights".
We need Trump. He fights.
I agree with all that Gary. The problem, however, is illustrated by your example of the Nixon/Kennedy debates.
Yes, Nixon won the debate as a debating contest. But as you point out, it was Kennedy who won more voters in that debate, and of course it was Kennedy who won more votes in the election.
Yes, we need a fighter in the Oval Office. But a fighter who can't win enough voters' votes, will not be in a position to fight. He's reduced to a non-fighter. Losers cannot fight -- they're no longer in the ring.
Actually, there was a question whether Kennedy did win more votes. Both Illinois (meaning Cook County) and Texas (Glasscock County) had voting chicanery that gave Kennedy the electoral votes needed to win the election. Nixon could have challenged the vote, but he felt that would cause too much division in the country, so he ceded the election to Kennedy. Kennedy barely survived 1,000 days in office before his assassination, for all the good it did him. Trump didn't even make it to the White House before his (near) assassination only 58 days before the second debate. He took a bullet for the country due to Secret Service chicanery by the Biden/Harris administration -- now extended to RFK jr. Dead men can't fight either, so I don't think Trump feels he's bound by the Oxford Rules for Debate any longer.
There's anger, and there's anger. I watched, and didn't even notice an overabundance of it. What I've really noticed is the anger of the left, for years. They're going to do whatever they're going to do. But the clips I've heard from the after-debate groups show another kind of anger: they don't want to continue the last 3½ years. I think enough people agree with that kind of anger.
If he wasn’t angry after that assault, it would worry me more. When my Dad lost his temper, I knew it had turned real.
While I don’t share your pessimism as to the election (there will be a black swan event that propels Trump into the White House) I do agree as to your observation as to anger…but I don’t blame Trump, I blame his debate handlers. That Harris would be poking at Trump’s pride had to be a foregone conclusion…with each presenting a unique opportunity.
As to the 2020 election Trump should have said “We will never know, but I believe in God and know that soon all that was done in the dark will be brought to the light”.
As to abortion, Trump should have said that while he agreed Roe v Wade was rightly overturned by the SCOTUS on Constitutional grounds, the issue has been returned to the states where it belongs…where individual voters will have to reconcile their beliefs with God.
Finally, as to crowd size Trump should have said it was a silly issue to debate given the November outcome will reveal the truth.
In retrospect I regret not having just one hour with Trump before the debate…without handlers present.
HE HAD debate handlers, especially Tulsi Gabbard, who successfully baited Camel-A in the dem primaries in 2020. BUT, Trump will NOT listen to handlers and thinks he knows best. Like most others on this site, I WILL vote for him again and again, BUT, our entire extended family who will, again, vote for him just wish he'd THINK before he went off on a rant! And I get the fact that he's been lied about and mis-labled his entire time as a candidate and thern POTUS, but you must appeal to more than your base!
He's more likeable when he's at rallies. I wouldn't like to debate either. It is really hard to think on your feet knowing all three don't like you.
Chriss: but now he has said he will NOT do a 3rd debate (second time against Camel-A) and I think that is a YOOOOGE mistake. She wants it and can now call him a coward. He needs to say YES, but on Fox, and if SHE quails, then SHE is the coward. All he has to say is TWICE it's been on your guy's biased turf. Fox or nothing, town hall or regular style!
I would agree with you, then she would look like the coward. That would be a good idea, but I do agree that he shouldn't walk into a lion's den once more. Their real fangs might come out.
They HAVE no "real fangs!" All he needs to do is say something "snarky" and smile back at her. NEVER lose his cool---if she says something about crowd size ask her "WTF does that have to do with anything," and FORCE this clown show to demonstrate that they have no knowledge about ANYTHING!" He's missing a chance here! He can EASILY FRY HER---just show her failures, and get some expert advice on her supposed "plans!"
The problem is that anger is an emotion. Humans are unique among living beings in that we posses an intellect that is capable of overriding the emotional impulses. It's okay to be angry. But it's not okay to let our emotions rule our behavior. Rationalism is what pulled western civilization out of the dark ages, and built the comfortable world we inherited. But devolving to reacting emotionally is what Progressivism has been pushing over the last century; getting people to react emotionally instead of intellectually. We're turning back into animals.
We need leaders who can respond intellectually, not emotionally.
The left broke Trump's code by learning to poke his ego, which causes him to react emotionally instead of as the calculating dealmaker. And considering Trump's age, he's probably not going to get any better.
I was angry also, the debate was a farce. ABC commentators constantly attacked trump, ignored any failed answers or behavior by harris. It was an insult to the intelligence of the American people and it is a shame that some of them will not realize this, as you seem to be doing. This is not a woman thing, all of the intelligent women I work with figured this out. It is a shame a lot of the younger women are totally clueless, their education has not included the ability to do their homework on their own and not accept the garbage the teachers are putting out. Unfortunately, not every one can home school although it is getting easier and the schools around here are working with it.
Fabulous column as is almost always the case....I think (hope) Trump is doing a rope-a-dope about not wanting to do a second debate....It's obvious that while Trump was out preaching to his adoring crowds (millions at just one rally, right?) Kamala was holed up in a hotel room getting prepared, just like the prosecutor that she is...
Now, diverging from the subject of your email, your story about your foot is disheartening. About 2.5 years ago, I was working by myself in my store and I fell off a ladder that was stupidly placed in a corner. Was only two steps up, but in my panic over falling, I grabbed onto a metal building stud and almost cut off the about 20% of my hand, including my little finger. The doctors did a miraculous job putting it all together but to this day, I still have a funky feeling in that part of my hand and finger...I was hoping not would go away. But it will probably last longer than the pain from Trump's loss, if that happens.
Trump should DEMAND a debate/town hall on FOX! She's now saying she wants to do more! I'd say YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE with the ridiculous networks, now it's MY time on MY choice network!
Trump just announced no more debates.