Spot on … very spot on.

Do you also remember when the gay lobby was demanding an end to the anti-sodomy laws, that were eventually ruled as unconstitutional in 2003? SCOTUS ruled so in Lawrence v. Texas.

See: https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/02-102.ZO.html

Anyways … I distinctly remember many in the then gay lobby advocating that they just wanted their privacy as consenting adults to do whatever it is they like to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Yeah … I can agree that having privacy in one’s own bedroom is a good thing, as long as nobody is getting hurt and there is no coercion or children involved.

However, now the LGBTQ+WTF? lobby seems to be taking a country mile, or more … lots more, out of that inch of privacy that was advocated for some 20+ years ago. So … why does the LGBTQ+WTF? lobby now insist on force feeding their “private” bedroom behaviors down the throats of everyone else?!? Their private bedroom activities are force fed into public school classrooms, USA Main Streets all over the country during the entire month of June (and sometimes well into July too) and now into sports events big and small.

See: https://fox5sandiego.com/pride-in-san-diego/city-leaders-honor-50-years-of-lgbtq-pride-in-san-diego-kick-off-celebrations/

Side Note: I still find it strange that these events are called Pride parades and festivals, as I am constantly reminded that pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

See: http://www.deadlysins.com/pride/

Anyways … there is nothing edgy about the latest LGBTQ+WTF? obscene public displays by morbid faux nuns, weird naked middle-aged men marching down the streets of San Francisco, or this sick and disrespectful opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics. It has all become so banal. Gross, but banal. Much like dog vomit or a dog turd on your green lawn.

Although … it would be very interesting to see the Paris Olympics drag queens and fellow weirdos take their show on the short road to the Paris Muslim quarter. Let’s see them parade around in Paris’ police no-go zones and maybe the rest of the world can watch some real cultural diversity in action. That could be a gold medal event worth watching … at least from a distance.

In the meantime, if you really want to be edgy and an out-of-the-box iconoclastic rebel, then try studying hard, graduating, getting a career, paying taxes, getting married, purchasing a home, paying more taxes, then having kids and raising them while going to church on Sundays, and also having weekend BBQs with burgers, brats, steaks, beer and wine, and your family and friends.

We seem to be in short supply of these types of cool and edgy rebels. G’day!


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I also wonder WHY nobody in the alphabet mafia dares to insult the "religion of peace!"

Laughed out loud at the recent "gays for hamas" signs on campuses (low case on purpose!)--as Bibi called them iranian useful idiots. I guess their edginess doesn't reach to getting tossed off the roofs of buildings.

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Your commentary reminds me of the aphorism in Proverbs, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.”

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Yeah … that verse from Proverbs was in the back of my mind.

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Glenn, you are an artist in your own realm…..thank you for sharing your thoughts and mine !

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Edgy, not. Now doing Muhammad? That would be edgy. But of course, they won't do that. Because they're cowards. They won't offend anyone who they imagine would actually strike back.

Not only are they cowards, they aren't even particularly imaginative. They can't create anything truly original. They only know how to mock and destroy. As artists, they suck.

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As your neighbor a few miles up the road, Glenn, I can assure you that the members of your HOA are probably happily watching the Olympics like the triumphal Queer entry into Paris never even happened. Don’t presume that you can wiggle out of serving on its board quite so easily with your lurid confessions.

BTW, have you seen the claim that the drag queen tableau did not depict The Last Supper, but rather the Feast of Dionysus? That makes it far less offensive and far more mainstream. Point being, your HOA needs you!

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Outstanding piece. Media narratives - that is what they are, narratives - always cause trouble. By design.

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The Olympics opening ceremony participants taunting God’s Son’s life and death reminded me of Biden saying he would step down if the Lord Almighty told him to. It’s more than scary to think you can play chicken with God. He WILL have His way. He’s getting His plan accomplished whether we are on His side or our own.

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We need to start ostracizing gays.


We've let the camel get its nose Under the Tent.

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I was so angry when I started reading your article because you were telling the lies about Matthew Shepard. But then, thank heavens you told the truth. The gay community clings to the false story like it’s a Bible story. Heaven forbid that you debate those facts with them. They get so angry. Elton John does a benefit concert each year in the name of Matthew Shepard. Although I think he’s retired now. And I might add that the media was looking for a story to divert the news away from Bill and Monica. They found the Matthew Shepard murder, a horrible wasted death, and the media spewed their lies and the rest is history.

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"Anyway, I have enough stuff in my bedroom and my past to avoid judging people for what’s in theirs. (I say these sorts of things just to ensure that I’ll never succumb to pressure to run for political office or even – especially! – to serve on my HOA.)"

We are as one.

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