Meanwhile Jewish Americans keep voting for Democrats. Israel offends them, apparently.

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You know, Glenn, I sympathize with your position here, but upon reflection, do you think the "Biden" (shorthand reference to the Obama cabal that is in charge of the federal government at all levels at this time) administration is bothered in the least by the deaths, kidnapping/torture and injuries inflicted on a few thousand Israelis? The "Biden" administration has been striving mightily to curry the favor of the Iranians who are the puppet-masters of Hezb'allah and Hamas, and just recently gave Iran access to $6,000,000,000.00 dollars formerly embargoed. Since "Biden" has no problem with the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and the destruction of much of the property in eastern Ukraine, how much are Israeli problems a factor in "Biden's" thinking? And there's that open American borders thing, where millions of people from God-knows-where with God-knows-what diseases are flooding into this country, bringing drugs like fentanyl across, with the deaths of hundreds of thousands of AMERICAN CITIZENS resulting. But none of that matters to "Biden." So, incompetence or malign intent, "Biden" couldn't be bothered less.

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"The Biden administration has the blood of 800 Israeli men, women and children on its hands." It didn't care about the 13 dead AMERICANS in Afghanistan so Israeli deaths don't even register on the radar. Incompetent, yes, but also inhuman.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Another pertinent question … how many of the victims in this Hamas invasion from Gaza are also Americans? It stands to reason that there are dead and/or kidnapped Americans among this growing grim number as lots of Americans have dual passports and/or citizenships with Israel.

See: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/08/americans-hostages-hamas-israel-00120521

The Biden Syndicate (I’m going to refrain from using the word Administration) just provided Iran, Hamas’ sugar daddy, with some $6 billion in a recent hostage swap. Any student in Economics 101 can tell you that money is fungible, despite the lame political spin coming out of the pieholes of the Biden Syndicate. So, the $6 billion handed over to the mullahs for “humanitarian aid” means that Iran can just shift over another $6 billion set aside for social spending, into their terrorism finance and support schemes.

Now … adding further insult to injury, is the distinct possibility that US intelligence services withheld critical information from Israel. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised in the least as I have completely lost all faith and trust in our US State Department and intelligence agencies, aka, the Deep State. And I am stating this as someone who grew up in a LAPD cop family as well as my 25 year federal law enforcement career; now retired thankfully.

I am beginning to believe that all of this goes way beyond just bureaucratic incompetence. More and more of our institutions and government agencies seem to be designed to fail. This designed incompetence could reflect a likely incorporation of the infamous Cloward-Piven Strategy for overloading the welfare system, by injecting this designed failure strategy to other areas of federal policy and operations.

See: https://rickbulow.com/Library/Books/TheClowardPivenStrategy.pdf#:~:text=First%20proposed%20in%201966%20and%20named%20after%20Columbia,thus%20pushing%20society%20into%20crisis%20and%20economic%20collapse.

Right now this is just my theory, or better yet my hypothesis. I suppose only time will tell.

In the meantime, Israel must be allowed to carry out its military operations without the meddling of Democrat Party anti-Semites, the United Nations, the global fascists in Davos, and the rest of their ilk.

May God save Israel … Godspeed to the victims, alive and dead, and to all of their survivors.


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It'll be More of the Same: They're inept enough that anyone with eyes, ears, and the ability to think (h/t George McGovern) will know they deliberately failed to alert the Israelis but, with most of the media chorus backing them, they will insist otherwise and there will be no consequences

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I wouldn’t put this on the Americans much as I dislike this administration. This is 100% on Israeli intelligence. Besides there being a wall, there are television and electronic sensors monitoring of the wall 24 hours a day. We have a friend who has visited the monitoring center. In addition, Mossad has always had intelligence monitoring of Hamas. On a personal note, our daughter spent Friday night with her closest friend whose husband and child were in Israel on an affected kibbutz visiting his mother. Her husband and child are fine but the sights outside the kibbutz were horrific. In addition, my wife and I have visited Nahal Oz and Kibbutz Erez and have friends and acquaintances there. I gather that Nahal Oz has been destroyed and some of the people we have met there have been either killed or kidnapped. My wife and I are heart-broken.

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I don’t agree with you. The CIA incompetence was on display on 9/11.

If the CIA did have the intelligence and didn’t tell Israel was it incompetence or intentional?

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What is your reasoning for “under Trump the same would have happened”? Is it because the CIS hide intelligence from Trump?

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