Just today I saw a news flash advertisement about a discussion about how far political prosecutions have gotten out of hand citing this and Trump's cases. The big difference here is Trump's charges are trumped up from thin air, Hunter is blatant in his crime and I am more amazed at the FBI who seems to have slept on a lot of this AND exclusion of Hillary for deleting emails and destroying phones that she was required by law to hand over. We got to put all under the same microscope.

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One retired lawyer to another--what in the world was the Biden defense team thinking? They had to know Hunter had no defense to the charges and by going to trial, all the dirty Biden laundry was going to be aired. Why not a simple plea, take a six month sentence and keep all the dirt in a tidy pile under a mountain of rugs, where it would not become publicized unnecessarily? That could have kept everything off the radar of the low-info voters who are going to decide the election. Joe could have pardoned him after that and Hunter would basically emerge in the same shape he was in before the brouhaha boiled over. Now he's gonna be in the spotlight again on the tax charges, where another pile of dirt awaits public airing. He absolutely has no choice but to plea if he and his lunatic father hopes to avoid a financial scandal that might very well ensnare both of them, not to mention Uncle Jimmie and the rest of the Biden crime family. By the way, if I ever get arrested, remind me to never hire "sooper genius" Abbe Lowell as my defense counsel. I can't afford to pay through the nose for the services of a guy whose cross-examination skills are limited to saying, "Oh, yeah?" and "Says who?" before sitting back down.

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I'm sure there will be a plea deal before the tax trial and all the dirt will remain under the rug.

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The "PLAN" was to label Trump as a "Convicted Felon" and blast it into everybody's consciousness until the election. You, as an attorney, must know that technically Trump is NOT a convicted felon until the judge sentences him. (Of course, there is no doubt that Merchan will do just that.) So the GOP needs to label Biden as a mentally deficient candidate. It's either that or Biden is/should ALSO be a convicted felon.

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Except, as one pundit speculated today, Hunter’s conviction in this gun case ( which cannot reach Joe) gives an excuse to plead out to something verrrrry minor on the tax case which CAN TOUCH JOE - AND OBAMA - by saying “ Oh, poor Hunter has suffered enough” to sweep the much more dangerous tax charges under the rug.

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Because Hunter doesn't care.

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Biden makes me wish we had Jimmy Carter back again…

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At least Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see several Presidents who left a bigger trail of collateral damage than he did.

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And borther Billy Carter is a veritable pargon of virtue--civic and moral-- in comparison. Those were good times.

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I hope they delay Hunter's trial until February of 2025.

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2nd Amendment apologists such as myself have long argued that most Progressive gun control legislative efforts have absolutely nothing to do with reducing crime but are merely tools directed at disarming people that they don't approve of politically, which is the entire purpose of the 2nd Amendment in the first place. The extreme efforts that the behind-the-scenes actors of the deep state went to in trying to make Hunter's gun problem disappear is proof of this. It was fluke or just dumb luck that a single judge saw it for what it was and put a stop to it. (Watch his career go nowhere from that point on)

The guilty verdict had to happen. Had it not, it would have put even more weight on the lid holding down Progressive gun control efforts for at least the next couple of cycles.

I don't buy "that the mainstream media and the establishment intel operators bought hook, line and sinker" the Russian disinformation narrative. I think most of them knew the laptop was real, that getting rid of the bad orange man justified all efforts in doing so, and that there'd be no personal consequences for prostituting themselves for doing so. If anything, they'd be rewarded.

I've long argued that Hunter has some serious daddy issues. Hunter recklessly behaves as he transparently does to get back at daddy by putting him in embarrassing positions, such as letting the laptop loose in the first place and self-servingly arguing that gun control laws like having to fill out a 4473 are BS as daddy pushes for more gun control. He also knows that there will never be any serious personal repercussions for his behavior. He knows that no matter what happens, daddy will be issuing a pardon at some point after the election.

What will be more interesting is what Hunter does with his life the day after daddy is no longer President and there will no longer be a job as bagman for the family influence peddling operation.

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Good comment. Just for the record, both the judge who rejected the initial plea deal and the judge who presided over the current trial, were women.

As for what Hunter was thinking in going to trial, I suppose he had a remote hope of jury nullification. More pertinent, however, is probably the fact that this guy doesn't think things through very well in general.

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He does whatever because he's a peak narcissist, doesn't care what other people think of him and knows that he'll ultimately get away with it.

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Yes! ^^^^^

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I always read the intelligent comments here before I attempt to reply, as everybody usually says it better! INDEED: The so-called intel agencies KNEW the laptop was real in 2019. The REAL election interference came from them! Also, immeidately I saw that the demented sock puppet is calling for MORE gun control bills---when, as it was well put--his evil spawn BROKE the very first line of defense for stopping felons from legally getting a firearm. Now I see that "coach" Steve Kerr is saying we all have NO CHOICE but to vote for Biden, as Biden will insure that no more people are killed by illegal weapons. Kerr even trots out the blatant lie that "more kids are killed by guns than all other causes." I'm incredulous that people in the limelight are SO UNINFORMED on any issue. Then MY gov., Josh Shapiro, himself a Jew, says Trump is "Dividing the Nation," as the senile idiot he is carrying water for emulates the start of Kristalnacht standing in front of our own Independence Halll with the blood red backdrop.

As Glenn states: I PRAY that some HONEST Journalist will do an entire volume on the Biden Crime Family and get a book out soon. History cannot cover up something this egregious!

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There is believable evidence that the censoring of the laptop did in fact turn the election. I can't think of a single crime that Biden claims Trump will attempt that Joe himself has not already done.

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Progressive DAs in blue cities around the country have done more to kill demands for more gun control legislation than the evil spawn. What's the point of more gun laws if Progressive DAs are just going to release the most violent of felons and not prosecute?

The only purpose of most of these ill-used laws is to sit and lie dormant until there's a person of a politically incorrect class that needs to be put down as a reminder to the rest of us that the state will pounce if we get out of line.

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I'm also wondering if the "guilty verdict" was also to stop the appearance of bias in the very blatant Trump conviction(?) See--Trump's jury wasn't biased---Hunter got convicted in his hometown, so the NYC jurors were also being fair and honest! (Right!) I DO love it that Abbe Lowell had his "private parts" handed to him!

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I don't think there's any man behind the curtain that has the power to pull such strings

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What do you mean, Glenn?

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Unlike the various Trump cases to date which were largely built upon bills of attainder and "novel legal theories", Hunter's gun case was clean and straight forward; there was no question of what he did or his guilt in doing it. Had this been against any ordinary citizen, it would have been pleaded out. There was little chance of anything other than a guilty verdict. Anyone who cares already knows there is a double standard between how these two factions are treated, so the outcome of this case would have made little difference other than reconfirming my point above that gun laws are more about ideology than they are about guns.

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But, the old pedophile and "doctor" Jill are proud of the man he has become.


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Smartest man the President knows, or so he says.

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You are right that the real fireworks are yet to come. If they can prosecute Hunter on evading taxes on "bribes" from foreign governments... the 10% sent to the Big Guy will be placed into play.

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Prez Poopypants will never allow his wretched spawn to roll on him and Hunter knows where the bodies are buried - I predict he will either be pardoned or Epstein’d

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"Prez Poopypants is also totally compromised by the CCP, and the intel agencies know it. Yomama is also hoping for the best, as he KNEW Joe was off grifting. China needs Iranian oil, so Biden lifts the oil embargoes. China wants to be No. 1 in the world by 2047, so Joe attempts to get us all into EVs, windmills and solar farms, all of which comprise some of most of their individual components from....China!

I would dearly love to have Biden give a blood sample after each debate!

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Is Hunter telling friends and anyone who will lister then “ he’s not suicidal”? 🤔

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A legal question … as I am not a lawyer. As Hunter Biden has been indicted and charged for income tax evasion in federal court, are the family recipients of Hunter’s (alleged) unreported income considered unindicted co-conspirators?!?

Thanks … and g’day!

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another excellent column. Many things slow joe has done that merit not being reelected- as Glenn mentioned in his column. The three things I find unforgeable are the Afghanistan mess, the Southern border and all the inflation he has caused trying to buy votes by forgiving legitimate debt and giving away taxpayer monies without Congress consent.

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After your previous article regarding, what sounds like an incredible upcoming trek in France, I thought that you would relax and enjoy your holiday until or around July 4th, as you stated. Even though you are in such a beautiful country, I see that you could not resist throwing out more chum to your echo chamber.

Speaking of France, could you imagine #45, who was a draft-dodger and called the fallen American soldiers at a cemetery near Paris, “Losers & Suckers”, actually speaking at Normandy last week?

Former President Trump didn't want to visit a cemetery near Paris for Americans who fought and died in World War I because it was filled with "suckers" and "losers," John Kelly, his longest-serving chief of staff, said in a statement.

Why it matters: In the statement, Kelly supported this and several other instances of Trump disparaging service members.

Of note: Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin previously confirmed parts of The Atlantic's story, including his refusal to visit the Aisne-Marne Cemetery in France.

The big picture: Other instances in the statement from Kelly, whose Marine son, Robert Kelly, was killed in Afghanistan in 2010, that appeared to confirm the report were:

• Trump saying at a 2017 Memorial Day event in Arlington National Cemetery: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"

• Kelly said Trump did not want to include military amputees at a White House military event in 2018 because it would make spectator's uncomfortable, and added that Trump had said their presence "doesn't look good for me."


As a native Texan and a moderate Republican, I don’t recognize the current state of affairs in this cult Party led by the former liar-in-chief, con, fraud and convicted felon who seems to have his current Party in lock-step! I don’t expect you or anyone in your “chamber” to ever admit this but I am certain that you are all extremely concerned about this fraudster and vindictive human being as we head into November.

Up until 2016, we/the Republican Party, had always been referred to as the Party of “Law and Order”. That certainly doesn’t exist today. How many times do the Republicans have to lose to realize that ‘Toxic Trump’ is not and will NEVER be the right person for the Party?

Here is an updated list of criminals who were allies and worked for Trump…

• Donald Trump was charged, convicted, and is awaiting sentencing.

• Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• Trump’s former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• Trump’s former adviser and former campaign aide, Roger Stone, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• Trump’s former adviser and former White House aide Peter Navarro, was charged, convicted, and is currently in prison.

• Trump’s former campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• The Trump Organization’s former CFO, Allen Weisselberg, was charged, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

• Trump’s former White House national security advisor, Michael Flynn, was charged and convicted.

• Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, was charged with wire fraud and money laundering, in addition to a conviction in a contempt case similar to Navarro’s. He’s currently awaiting sentencing.

For a guy who claims to love “law and order,” Trump sure does wind up with a lot of people who have been convicted (or pardoned) for crimes in his inner circle.

Say what you will about the Biden family…at least they were there to support their son unlike many of the family members in Trump’s family, including his third wife, Melania and daughter, Ivanka. Where were they?

As far as your Biden pardon prediction goes, I believe it will work out the same way you predicted a “Hung Jury”.

There is a higher probability of Trump attempting to weasel out of the June 27th debate than Biden pardoning his son.

I doubt we will be alive when any and all historians will not only place #45 in the bottom four, if not lower, as the Worst.Presidents.Ever. but I will bet you, regardless of which historian writes about Presidents, Biden will always be listed ahead of #45.

Here is what the Republican Lieutenant Governor, who voted for Trump twice had to say about supporting him in 2024. (https://www.ajc.com/opinion/geoff-duncan-why-im-voting-for-biden-and-other-republicans-should-too/LFLE5YWCBBA6VDGJAJKMNPCDKQ/)

Geoff Duncan: Why I’m voting for Biden and other Republicans should, too

Donald Trump has disqualified himself through his conduct and his character.

In his editorial, the former rising star in the Georgia Republican Party puts the blame for the Capitol Riot of Jan. 6, 2021, squarely at the feet of Trump. He also takes issue with Trump stoking conspiracy theories of a stolen election in Georgia.

He wrote in part:

"Yes, elections are a binary choice. Yes, serious questions linger about President Biden’s ability to serve until the age of 86. His progressive policies aren’t to conservatives’ liking.

"But the GOP will never rebuild until we move on from the Trump era, leaving conservative (but not angry) Republicans like me no choice but to pull the lever for Biden. At the same time, we should work to elect GOP congressional majorities to block his second-term legislative agenda and provide a check and balance."

Wishing you a safe and amazing journey on your trek.


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Hunter's trial was just the lipstick to cover up his most heinous crimes.

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Maybe. But this particular lipstick is likely to land him in jail for at least a few months. Personally, I wouldn't want to be wearing lipstick inside a prison

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Haha! No doubt. I was really just commenting cynically, sir, not arguing.

My view is that this trial is being used for 'squirell!' purposes while the BlobMob(Meuller, Barr, Durham) clean-up teams come into paint over the serious ones. I hope you are right and I am wrong.

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