Much of the analysis is accurate, but it is clear that "Biden" is no more in charge of anything than I am. He is a figurehead, an avatar, a dead husk of a formerly human being who, like the deceased Bernie in the movie about the weekend at his house, is propped up and paraded about in order to bamboozle the audience into thinking he is alive and functioning. He is not. If I might use another literary-cinematic analogy, America is like Rohan under the titular rule of King Theodan, but actually ruled by Saruman by virtue of the influence exerted by Grima Wormtongue. We are currently being governed by a group of competing and disparite interests--the coalition of social outcasts and miscreants forming the democrat party--whose only uniting feature is a hatred of everything for which America formerly stood. While it is true that such people are actually in the minority, they are in power because they are interested in power and not afraid to wield it, whereas the majority of Americans seem now only desirous of drugged and stuporous hedonism. As the saying goes, in order to win you have to first actually show up, and too many Americans are lacking even the energy to do that. Ennui is the core of such people's existence. Their excuse is that they are above politics and can't lower themselves to participate in such a dirty game, not comprehending that their rulers are their rulers because they are interested and obsessively so. If such people continue to refrain from becoming interested, they will suffer the fate of sheep who are led to slaughter, dazed, confused and uncomprehending of their impending doom. Let us hope they awaken, even just enough to bother to vote for representatives who will close down the abbatoir and stave off annihilation for another electoral cycle. Is it too late to hope that Gandalf will arrive and break the spell cast by Saruman over Theoden?

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Democrats today are like The Little Dutch Boy running from one leak to another, each time abandoning one leak for another, perceived greater threat. Obama's team called it "Pivot Politics". That their actions CAUSE the leaks in the first place - never mind. Without leaks they can't be seen as "doing something!" These are politics divorced from principle, except to cobble together a "coalition" that gets them through the next election. Until it doesn't.

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An excellent summation of the Panderer-in-Chief"s toxically divisive M.O. Thank you!

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You actually threw down the 'Oven Card'... Bravo!

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All worth saying, and well said! “Oppressed” American white people are still more numerous than “oppressed” people of color, leaving us with a very weird coalition of oppressors, who hardly qualify as “people” of any kind.

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I think that the 'Biden camp' is doing everything perfectly.

We shouldn't disturb the political arsonist when they're burning down their own house.

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How cute, you think this is a real election, if the shenanigans continue so does this. So much has been uncovered and is making it's way through the courts yet it's still ignored.

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