As you point out, Biden didn’t write this speech, and only read it well enough to turn “insurrectionists” into “erectionists” — a boner about boners.

Clearly he is nothing more than a hologram projected by the politburo that does write these speeches. His going away will change nothing. One can only surmise that the politburo hasn’t traded him in because there is no one else over whom they have such leverage (via blackmail and protection) and such control (thanks to his dementia and utter lack of character and moral compass).

We need a clean sweep. Is Trump’s broom big enough? Is anyone’s?

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Well, Trump does have big hands....

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Which makes him a promising erectionist. Good point!

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Joe Biden giving a commencement speech at a HBC like Morehouse is a lot like having Colonel Sanders watch your pet chickens or having Jack the Ripper manage a battered women’s shelter.

Not only did he deliver a heartfelt eulogy to KKK Senator Robert Byrd, but Slaver Joe even bragged about how his state of Delaware was a slave state and would have been part of the Confederacy except for the fact that the rest of New England was in the way!

See: https://freebeacon.com/politics/joe-bidens-history-of-racial-gaffes/

Biden’s Morehouse speech was just another Democrat Party attempt to keep black Americans on the leftist government plantation …


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The first reaction I had to this "speech" by Biden was that it put me in mind of John Brown, the white abolitionist. I knew about him from my acquaintance with American history, of course, but only vaguely, so I did some basic research. Brown's history is pretty remarkable, for his bitter anti-slavery (or one could easily substitute "anti-white") fervor and his apocalyptic rhetoric which eventuated in violent action. So, does Biden fancy himself (or rather, do his handlers consider him) to be another John Brown? A self-loathing white man who will lead the next "slave rebellion" against the White Americans who, it should be remembered he told an earlier assemblage of blacks, wanted to put them back in chains? I would never have thought to live at a time when the president of the country would actually be promulgating racial division and strife; and for what, exactly? To be the boss, the "big man," the caudillo of a failing, former nation-state? To sit atop the rubble of the former USA? Given his support from (allegedly) 48% of voters, I hold out little hope for our future. We who inhabit this side of the great divide have almost nothing in common with TWANLOC (pace Richard Fernandez) and they likewise. The great question of our time is who will prevail and whether the outcome will involve violence. Perhaps we might take some consolation in the fact that Brown was not successful and was eventually hanged, largely because the blacks he assumed would join his Harper's Ferry rebellion failed to do so. (Whether due to reluctance to join his insurrection or simple indolence, one cannot say.) On the other hand, the War Between the States broke out approximately one year later, so perhaps there is no consolation to be found in any comparison between Brown and Biden.

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Best of luck with your recovery.

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"Brown was not successful and was eventually hanged, largely because the blacks he assumed would join his Harper's Ferry rebellion failed to do so."

[Not 10X-ers]

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Can someone introduce me to one that’s ten times better? I will train that 10X how to do what’s helped make my family financially secure for four decades and into the foreseeable future.

Foxtrot Juliette Bravo

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The most pervasive racism in America is white--guilt ridden Progressive white--against white.

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On a nice day in January 2022, I wore a very comfortable hat while I took a friend of mine to his home. The hat just happened to be a TRUMP 2020 hat. It's a cool-looking baseball-style hat with green digital camo fabric and embroidered with a US Flag and the head of a bald eagle.

A dude driving a black Jeep with two bicycles attached to the back of it passed me on the left and I noticed that he looked agitated while looking directly at me. You know that look, yelling incoherently and shooting the bird? Yeah, that look.

I determined that he was yelling TRAITOR! I asked him if he was admitting that HE’s a traitor? He apparently had been ‘triggered’ by a fellow American (me) for simply wearing a hat with an embroidered message on it with which he disagreed with. After he passed me, he decided that he wasn't sure I understood his message of discontent, so he slowed down and did it all over again.

This encounter took place at about 3:45 PM in heavy traffic, a day after Biden's "unity" SOTU message. Maybe he missed Biden's speech (described by Rich Lowery in a January 11, 2022, article titled “What a Garbage Speech”.

I did what I had to do. I pointed and laughed.

My TRUMP 2024 ball cap is in desert digital camo. It might be a good time to get a GoPro.

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I had a similar thing happen in a restaurant. My hat was a red USMC ball cap, but the idiot who called me out on it didn't see that, and just assumed it was a MAGA hat. He actually apologized, but then I asked him "what if it HAD been a MAGA hat...what would you do?" And he just slunk away. Always best to confront morons, Philip! Congrats!

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Well played Sir.

I anticipate more lunacy to come.

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Philip: I KNOW you are being very polite, but I never was an officer! "Sir" is not required! LOL (Sorry!)

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Wouldn't one think that YES, somebody else IS writing his speeches, but can they really be THAT stupid? Also, how is Demented Joe managing to get those loans paid off when SCOTUS said NO?

I can understand that he is playing a shell game with certain funds, BUT, if the end result is paying off loans with tax dollars, can't he just be slapped down?

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I suspect that the main person behind his speeches is "doctor" Jill, a person whose conceit and power are matched by her stupidity. She's the one person that Biden's handlers are unable to stand up to.

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I wonder what she thinks about Trump’s visit to “the BO-GA-DAS of the Bronx” today.

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Agree about "DR>" Jill! Tucker had the first few pages of her "thesis" on his show once---would NOT pass a high school paper as to grammar and spelling. Incredible!

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Yeah, too stupid to be at the controls behind the curtain.

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In my opinion, a more accurate summation of Biden's speech should have been titled..."Biden Asks Black Graduates Trump's Reaction If They Had Participated in January 6th Insurrection?" “Let me ask you: What do you think Trump would have done on January 6 if Black Americans had stormed the Capitol?” For the best predictor of the answer all one needs to do is refer back to the the clearing of Lafayette Square of peaceful protesters on June 1, 2020. As I recall Trump marked the occasion by using it for a photo op by holding the bible upside down. The nation's highest-ranking military officer apologized for accompanying President Donald Trump to a photo opportunity at a Washington church after authorities violently moved protesters from an area outside the White House.

General Mark Milley said the following...

"I should not have been there," Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a video commencement address to National Defense University.

"My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics."

Following a June 1 Rose Garden speech, Trump posed with a Bible outside St. John's Episcopal Church after protesters were forcibly cleared from Lafayette Square across from the Executive Mansion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtXdpbzyGiQ

Speaking of General Milley, he said the following regarding Trump...“We don’t take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” he said. “We don’t take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.”

You were really reaching, Glenn, to spin Biden's message to say that that Biden tells Black graduates that America hates Blacks but it is precisely what your echo chamber wants to hear!

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It is tragic that in 2024 we still have a President who resorts to hatred and race baiting to win votes.

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